Showing posts with label Analysis Of Raider Of The Treasure Trove By Lade Wosornu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Analysis Of Raider Of The Treasure Trove By Lade Wosornu. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Title: Raider of the Treasure Trove

Poet: Lade Wosornu

Other poem: The M aster Brewer.

Gene: Poetry

Category: Lif e and living

Denotation: A poem prea ching goodness of attitudes above the embrace of violence.

Point of view: 3rd person

Flow: Climactic

Theme: Rage, p eace, happiness, etc.

Structure: Three stanza poem

Poetic device: Enjambment, im agery, personification, metaphor, etc.

Diction: Simple

Tone & mood: S incere and Re-examination

Similar poem: The Soul's Errand by Sir Wa lter Raleigh


Raider of the Treasure Trove is a poem written by a Ghanaian poet Lade Wosornu. The poem prefers goodness of attitude to the destructive attitude of rage and violence. The title of the poem portrayed humans beings as "raider" while their earthly ambitions are compared to "treasure trove". With the adoption of words such as "sail", "streams", "breeze", "destination", etc. The context of the poem further compared humans existence to a kind of sea voyage.

The voice of the poem encouraged humans to channel their thoughts positively. They should journey through life with a joyful heart and a positive vibe of attitudes in order to arrive at the perfect destination of "heaven-on-earth". But avoid rage which is the greatest destroyer of everything good_ it steals laughter, kindness, sweetness; prevent love and cause calamity.

The poet

Lade Wosornu is an African from Ghana precisely. A Fellow of Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences. The poet is passionate about human life which reflects in his poetic works; The Master Brewer is an example of poem giving the feel of his poetic ideologies .

Besides literature, science is another field of his choice. According to WritersProjectGhana, "He has had a distinguished professional and academic career in surgery, practicing in Ghana, Zambia and Saudi Arabia".

Summary Of Raider Of The Treasure Trove By Lade Wosornu

Summary of the poem

Let's write out the poem in a prose layman form.

Precious gems and your earthly aspirations can never worth your life as a living. Therefore, always go through everyday of your life in a joyous manner. Driven by love and compassion_ "fling roses wherever you pause/ Heavens-on-earth your destination."

Rage is the greatest among the things that cut-short human lives. Rage is a thief, it's an enemy of equanimity. It destroys your kindness, sweetness, love and laughter.

Rage causes bad impression, calamity its main purpose. Begin to consider your thoughts, rage is a hindrance. I will always act joyfully because heaven-on-earth is my priority. 

READ ALSO: [Analysis Of The Dry Season By Kwesi Brew ]

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