Wednesday, 27 October 2021

It's time to view some of the themes in Raider of the Treasure Trove by Lade Wosornu. Few of the themes are Rage, Peace, Happiness, Distraction, Destruction, Nature, Change, Love, etc.

Theme of rage is embodied between line 11-14 to portray how it negative effects dent human image and psychological pose. The poet took time to outline ways the act of rage is endangering human:

"Or, breach your sails with arrows unseen

No, Rob you of your life, Rage is Chief

Rage drags rags after you, of Charity

Laughter, sweetness and light, Rage is thief

Enemy of equanimity".

Theme of peace or theme of love is glorified by Lade Wosornu. The message aligned with scriptural advice to be at peace with all human. "Heavens-on-earth" and "fling roses" as used in the poem, are images of peace. With a positive attitude such as peace, humans can live on Earth as if they are in heaven.

Theme of destruction: In the poem, negative attitudes, mostly importantly, rage is capable of causing destruction. Few of the phrases or lines that detailed its destructive tendencies are:

"...blot out brief" in line 9

"Or breach your sails" in line 10

"Rage is thief" in line 13

"Rage spreads toxic fumes on every scene" in line 15

"Rage spells calamity" in line 16

"Rage sets sail. Can ruin lag far behind" in line 21.

Theme of happiness. Unhappiness is the propeller of rage. The voice of the poem supports happiness by condemning rage. Happiness is portrayed in the poem with the use of words such as "joy", "sweetness", "laughter", etc.

Theme of distraction: The existence of distraction is for the purpose of halting dreams, orcausing delay to achievement. "Chief" on the list of distraction is "Rage"

In the poem, the poet used the phrase "Always strive..." Such chosen phrase shows that distraction looms and giving room to it, can eventually "spells calamity".

Theme of nature: the poem employed ocean and oceanic terms to express the beauty of life through nature. The voice of the poem not only compared human ambition to "gems" in line 2 but also placed the clause "sail up streams" in line 4 to represent enthusiasm. Other instances of nature in the poem are "breeze" in line 5, "roses" in line 7, "heaven-onearth" in line 8, "storms" in line 17, "snakes" in line 19, etc.

Theme of change. The necessary need for behavioral change is prominent for those who might have embraced any of the negative attitudes. As seen in the poem, the best instrument of change is the mind. The first line of the last stanza says "As you think, so you feel. Watch your mind". It suggests the priority to always filter one's thought as to avoid the mind being negativeprone. Instance of calling for change can also be seen in the introduction

READ ALSO: [Thematic Analysis Of Ambassadors Of Poverty By Phillip Umeh ]


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