Showing posts with label themes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label themes. Show all posts

Monday, 10 October 2016

This post is to discuss two of the most vital themes in Harvest Of Corruption by Frank Ogodo Ogbeche. This is a drama set in Jacassa to show how greed leads to the abuse of privileges and power. There are two factions; the evildoers versus the evil-fighters.

Getting to the themes, we have:
(1) Corrupt Practices and the end results:-
In the drama, Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka took the privilege of being the Minister for External Relations as a reason to get greedy. With false promises and illicit enticements, the chief gathered people to be his "pawns"; the likes of Aloho, Ochuole, Madam Hoha, Justice Odili, the Police Commissioner, etc.

By the time the drama will draw to close, every corrupt entities have got their own shares of rewards. Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka was brought to book with the faithful assistant of ACP Yakubu, Prosecution Counsel and the rightful court of law. Chief Ade-Amaka was sentenced to twenty-five years in jail confinement with hard labour. Aloho lost her life and unwanted pregnancy. Akpara Hotel was closed and Madam Hoha was given ten years in imprisonment the same as Ochuole, etc.

(2) Morality exults in all situations:-
A moral heart never gives in to greed as seen in the drama, while Aloho was highly carried away by all that Ochuole (their ex-schoolmate) had acquired, it didn't move Ogeyi at all.

Ogeyi wasn't the only one unsatisfied with the corrupt acts going on in Jacassa, the drama showed Inspector Inaku, ACP Yakubu, even Showboy (the madman) as other characters against the injustices happening. It shouldn't be a thing of surprise that Ogeyi, ACP Yakubu, and Inspector Inaku began to work hand-in-hand to make sure the evildoers suffer their deeds.

In the labour to give birth, Aloho lost her life and since that moment Ogeyi had promised to avenge Aloho's death. In the end, with the help of ACP Yakubu and other anti-corruption teams; Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka and all those associated with him faced their appropriate jail times.

Conclusively, as it has been that many characters in the drama met their tragic flaws, it is no doubt that Harvest of Corruption by Frank Ogodo Ogbeche is truly a tragedy.

Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

Monday, 3 October 2016

The Nigerian poet, Gabriel Okara who wrote the popular poem "Piano and Drums" hailed from Bayelsa state. He was born in the 1921. He was once a civil servant among many other career parts.

"Piano and Drums" as poem is symbolism of the poet's dilemma in a position of cultural clash. The idea of cultural clash is the motivating or central message the poem passes to the readers.

The "Piano" which symbolised the poet's westernised present lifestyle was compared with the "Drums" which symbolised the past village background of the poet; the comparison of the poet's past with present way of living is referred to as the class of culture (since culture is defined as the lifestyle of a
group of people or just even a person). Other themes to be found in the poem Childhood reminiscence and its effect, Complexity of the present and future, Dilemma.

Structurally, the poem is a well planned poem divided into stanzas to show where one view ends and where another begins. The last stanza was a perfect conclusion.

And in terms of the literary terms, there are assonances in line 3 (jungle drums), in line 4 (mystic rhythm), etc. Imageries in virtually all the lines of the poem; example “naked/ warmth of hurrying feet and groping hearts/ in green leaves…” then personifications in line 15 (groping heart/ in green leaves) and in line 18 (piano/ solo speaking of complex ways). And many other devices in the poem.

In order to have a detailed understanding of the poem "Piano and Drums", check the following:-

(1) Poetic Figured and Forms of the poem

(2) Structure of the poem

(3) Themes of the poem


Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

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