(1) Corrupt Practices and the end results:-
In the drama, Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka took the privilege of being the Minister for External Relations as a reason to get greedy. With false promises and illicit enticements, the chief gathered people to be his "pawns"; the likes of Aloho, Ochuole, Madam Hoha, Justice Odili, the Police Commissioner, etc.
By the time the drama will draw to close, every corrupt entities have got their own shares of rewards. Chief Haladu Ade-Amaka was brought to book with the faithful assistant of ACP Yakubu, Prosecution Counsel and the rightful court of law. Chief Ade-Amaka was sentenced to twenty-five years in jail confinement with hard labour. Aloho lost her life and unwanted pregnancy. Akpara Hotel was closed and Madam Hoha was given ten years in imprisonment the same as Ochuole, etc.
A moral heart never gives in to greed as seen in the drama, while Aloho was highly carried away by all that Ochuole (their ex-schoolmate) had acquired, it didn't move Ogeyi at all.
Ogeyi wasn't the only one unsatisfied with the corrupt acts going on in Jacassa, the drama showed Inspector Inaku, ACP Yakubu, even Showboy (the madman) as other characters against the injustices happening. It shouldn't be a thing of surprise that Ogeyi, ACP Yakubu, and Inspector Inaku began to work hand-in-hand to make sure the evildoers suffer their deeds.
(the Leo with wings flying)
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