Showing posts with label WASSCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WASSCE. Show all posts
Thursday, 1 June 2017
June 01, 2017
19th century poet, African Analysis, ambush, dreams, frustrated,, WAEC, WASSCE
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Relate the title of the poem ambush to the theme of frustrated dream WAEC MAY/JUNE 2017
To answer this question, we must shed light on the title of the poem, then explain the theme of frustrated dream before relating the title and the theme. To start with the title, The title symbolized the various unfair acts perpetrated by “the land” using the giant whale, the giant hawk, the sabre-toothed tiger.
“The land“ frustrated the dwellers ambition hopelessly and deceitfully. “The land” in the poem “Ambush” by Gbemisola Adeoti is symbolized by the poet to paint the clear picture of frustration witnessed by the dwellers. From line 1-7, “the land” was compared to a giant whale denying the fishermen of the fishes they ought to catch by swallowing “the sinker with hook, line and bait”.
In every human endeavor, there is always a target for success and the fishermen in the poem exemplified such by aiming at certain number of fish to be caught at the end of their expedition; to their utmost chagrin the giant whale frustrated their targeted success and made them returned home empty handed.
“The land is a giant whalethat swallows the sinker,
with hook, line and bait
aborting dreams of a good catch
fishers turn home at dusk
blue peter on empty ships
all Peters with petered out desires.”
The poet solidified the wicked intention of “the land” at the extreme of the poem by making sure the people don’t escape its torments. “The land” is patient and determined to see her desire and wish translated into reality. The land in this way caused people a hell of frustration by undermining their fulfillment and their way out which is the “shore of possible”.
It lied patiently ahead awaiting in ambush and this expression best relate the title of the poem at the surface.
“The land lies patiently ahead
Awaiting in ambush
Those who point away from a direction
where nothing happens
toward the shore of possible.”
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Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)
Thursday, 4 May 2017
May 04, 2017
Thomas Wyatt, Unseen Poetry, WASSCE
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Most of Thomas Wyatt's poems have been about love and "I Find No Peace And All My War Is Done" is no exception. The poem is about the frustration the poet or poem speaker faced in a certain love relationship.
Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry (the Leo with wings flying)
The poet opened the poem with the conclusion in his mind saying that since he couldn't find no peace, he would give up his fighting. Line 2-7 further explains the poet's or the poem speaker's state of dilemma which precedes the poet's conclusion: "I fear and hope, I burn and freeze like ice; I fly above the wind, yet can I not rise, And naught I have and all the world I seize on; That looseth nor locket holdeth me in prison, And holdeth, me not yet can I scape nowise; Nor letteth me live nor die at my devise" The cause of the poet's frustration was shown in line 14 "And my delight is causer of this strife" meaning that his pains and sorrows were self-inflected due to his desire for love "I love another, and thus I hate myself"; the hatred was so strong to the point where he was displeased with living but didn't prefer dying as an alternative.
The poem has the theme of love, dilemma, unfulfilled emotion, vanity of possession when love is shattered, etc. As said at the beginning of this post, love is very paramount in the poem; where the poet expressed a certain love experience which led him to an unfulfilled emotional state, leaving him in a state of dilemma. Everything the poet acquired were worth nothing since he couldn't hold unto the love he desired. The poem is a sonnet with end rhyme pattern of ABBAABBACDDCEE. It looks anti-climatic and has the old form of English language.
The repetition of first person singular "I" made the poem more personal. Most lines of the poem are antithesis. Silmile in line 2 "freeze like ice", hyperbole in line 3 and 4 "I fly above the wind" "all the world Iseize on" alliteration in lines 5, 7, 13 "That looseth nor locket" "Nor letteth me live nor die at my devise" "Likewise displeaseth me both death" personification in line 14 "And my delight is causer of this strife" Assonance in lines 2, 3, 7, 9, "like ice" "fly above the wind, yet can I not rise" "die at my devise" "eye I see" According to article, "Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503 – 11 October 1542) was a 16th-century English ambassador and lyrical poet.
He is credited with introducing the sonnet into English literature. He was born at Allington Castle, near Maidstone in Kent."
Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry (the Leo with wings flying)
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