Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, 4 March 2016

Examine death as a limitation to human existence in the poem "Crossing The Bar" by Alfred Tennyson and "The Pulley" by George Herbert.

The Pulley is a poem about God and the making of man. God made man and granted him everything needed for his living the earth including pleasure but used death as a deadline to his existence.

Crossing The Bar is a poem about the warning as regards the reactions of the loved ones when the poet in question, finally embark on the journey from earth to heaven; through the vessel of death to be with God.

In both poems, God and death are present; and death was shown to messenger of God, the Supreme.
In the poem Crossing The Bar, "the bar" symbolized death while the whole of stanza 1 of The Pulley revealed the mortality in man since placing all riche
s in man is a means of contracting them to a span because man will grow old and die.

The crystal clear difference between the view of both poets shows that while The Pulley was making claim that God created death to put end to man, Crossing The Bar was revealing through which death leads man to God.

>>>Analysis of The Pulley by George Herbert

>>>Is God Omniponent in the Pulley by George Herbert

>>>Analysis of Virtue by George Herbert


Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

Monday, 7 December 2015

The previous post on The Pulley by George Herbert, outlined few different themes in the poem. This post is going to consider just two of those themes by comparing them with the expression that says "Is God Omnipotent In The Pulley By George Herbert?"

To begin with, omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited power or control. Let's compare the theme one, "limitations on human existence" with God's omnipotence, it will be clearly seen that God who placed limitations on the lives of human beings could have made human beings immortal, if he so pleased.

Because God doesn't take directives or instructions from anyone, he acts at his own will. Even the following lines from the poem doesnt mean God needs a consultant before making decisions:
“‘Let us” said he “pour on him all we can”
Let the world’s riches which despersed lie
Contract into a span”

The second theme of the poem, where all that humans possessed were bestowed by God. Such kind gesture from God to human is also a prove that God is far powerful than humans and God's power is omnipotent. Check the link should in case you would like to view all the themes in The Pulley by George Herbert

>>>Analysis of The Pulley by George Herbert

>>>Death As A Limitation To Human Existence In The Poem The Pulley

>>>Analysis of Virtue by George Herbert

Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

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