Sunday, 3 April 2022

All is right with the world.

Allie returned on When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode 5, and the youth in town were reinvigorated.

They weren't the only ones!

But first, more about Allie, who continues to grow like a weed.

She's home and calling Nathan dad, which Nathan relishes. But, oddly, not enough that he corrected May noted they were uncle and niece.

For some reason, that really struck me so soon after Allie began calling Nathan dad. It was such a sweet moment, and I don't want them to move back in the other direction.

Of course, Nathan is smitten with May, so he's probably not eager to lay too much on her about his personal life. They're growing closer, and it's so effortless compared to how things went with Elizabeth.

Allie thinks May is pretty great, too, although she wasn't discussing Nathan like-liking her. She was too concerned with like-liking Robert, who was acting far too nonchalant for her liking.

It's one thing to watch romance among adults, but it's another level of anticipation with young adults, as it's all so fresh, and they're not yet jaded.

That level of wonder is why kids are free to engage their crushes and speak their minds about other topics. Cooper takes advantage of that with Mr. Landis.

During When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode 4, there was a moment when Elizabeth and Landis were talking that revealed he wasn't enjoying their discussion because of how it made him feel.

Now we know why.

It's Minnie's daughter who stands to gain or lose depending on how Landis reacts to Elizabeth's certification. Elizabeth couldn't push any harder than she already had, but Minnie had nothing to lose and everything to gain by inviting Landis to dinner.

Her reasoning was sound. Not only did she need to appeal to Landis, but she didn't like how she was feeling about him because of how he treated Angela's situation, seemingly without realizing how much she needed to be included.

Cooper made no excuses for how he felt about the invitation, and he took every opportunity to express his irritation that Landis had infiltrated their home.

Minnie's bet paid off when Landis learned Angela could play the piano. They began playing, and the house was filled with joy.

Even better, Landis reconnected with his passion for music and teaching, which helped him understand why Elizabeth had been pushing so hard. They share that passion for educating others.

It was a wonderful ending to the story. Landis will likely fully support Elizabeth with the school district before he leaves for his own journey in education.

The Walden conundrum is still in full swing in town.

Bill has his ear to the ground and Nathan's right beside him as they try to determine who is saying what to whom when.

Nathan: Hey, you mind if I ask you what's with you and Walden?
Lucas: Not if you don't mind getting an answer.

Nathan tried to goad Lucas into explaining himself in that area, and instead of finding answers, the two arranged to race.

Nathan: OK. Here's an easy one. Did I see you on Lee Coulter's motorcycle?
Lucas: Why are you so curious about me all of a sudden?
Nathan: Startin' a fan club.

That was certainly strange! But it was a fun rivalry between the two former romantic rivals for Elizabeth's heart.

We don't know exactly what Lucas is doing with Walden, but we can rest assured that Nathan (and Bill) would be wrong to believe he's hoping to work with the man.

More at issue this time out was Lucas's desire for adventure. We've always wondered how Lucas managed to settle down in Hope Valley after such an exciting life.

It turns out it's not that easy for him to stay, but the lure of a future with Elizabeth is an incredible tether. Since that's not all-encompassing at this time, he spends time on other pursuits.

Trying to rid Hope Valley of the scourge that is Walden is one way, and buying Lee's motorcycle is another. One step further was a race against Nathan to prove his machine's dominance versus Nathan on Sarge.

It cracked me up that spectators gathered to watch the race begin and then skedaddled in many different directions once the contestants were out of sight.

Lucas's confidence fizzled when he encountered mechanical problems, and Nathan and Sarge thrilled the audience, which gathered again upon his return as Sarge accepted the kudos with a sweeping bow.

Elizabeth waited for Lucas with lemon water at the edge of town, and just before dusk, he arrived, dirty and disheveled and a little embarrassed.

But wow, did they have an incredible reunion.

Lucas: You are the reason I stay. You are my adventure. You are my passion. And if we should marry, I will hurry home to you every night, and I will have to pull myself from you every morning. That, I promise.
Elizabeth: And should we marry, I would hurry home to you every night and I would have to pull myself away from you every morning. That, I promise.

Marriage has been on everyone's mind, but it was the first time they'd spoken about it together. The scene was reminiscent of those at the end of When Calls the Heart Season 8 when they admitted their feelings for each other.

Their words, soft and breathy, were filled with longing and love for each other. They were words that anybody in love would enjoy hearing.

After a couple of days of concern that Lee was losing interest in Rosemary, she was swept off her feet, too.

Rosemary: Is it even remotely possible that Lee's tired of me?
Elizabeth: That's ridiculous.
Rosemary: Perhaps. And normally, I'd agree. After all, I am delightful. I can be endlessly entertaining. But now, just hear me out. Ever since we started working together, he leaves here early, he comes home late, he's up and gone before I even wake in the morning. Perhaps our increased togetherness has proven to be too much for him. Everything in moderation, as they say. Maybe the same applies to my husband when it comes to him having his fill of me.

Lee is so in love with Rosemary, so exuberant, that it seems impossible she'd ever suspect such a thing. But her thoughts prove that even the best intentions can be misunderstood, and no matter how in love you may be, you can still let the shadows of doubt creep up on you.

Rosemary was so blinded to what was happening that even when she read the poem Lee left on his desk, she didn't see how it perfectly described them but imagined he had found another.

That made his handcrafted gift all the more meaningful.

If you watch When Calls the Heart online, then how Henry dealt with the news upon Fiona's return wasn't a surprise.

When Fiona left for San Francisco, she was on a mission, but it wasn't one she discussed with others involved with the oil business. It was an odd choice, and now she's at a loss for what she was thinking.

But Henry sure played his cards close to the vest. Lucas, too. I knew they were wary of Jerome's return and possible purchase of the business, but they didn't state outright that they'd try to stop it or that they feared he was up to something.

With 10% down on Lucas's portion of the business, they may not be able to stop that moving train.

But with all of Bill's needling of the new Mayor Hickum, surely, there is a story about Walden and Jerome in the office that will prove Mike's value to Hope Valley in his new position.

It's hard to imagine where those stories will be at the end of the season. Or perhaps you have theories. If so, I'd love to hear them!

And what did you think about the romance flourishing throughout the valley? Swoon, am I right?

Drop below and share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you!


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