Sunday, 3 April 2022

Carolyn, Eve, and Villanelle all got closer to their intended goals, with someone necessary dying.

Luckily, that person was not Villanelle; unluckily, that person was a different major player this season.

Helene got brutally killed during Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 6.

The cliffhanger from Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 5 left us on the edge of our seats.

Villanelle got shot with an arrow (planned by Helene, of course) right through her back and seemed to be losing consciousness in Eve's arms.

Luckily, Eve managed to get Villanelle into Konstantin and Pam's hotel room, where Pam cared for the wound.

Eve: Have you lost your mind?
Konstantin: She's good with anatomy
Eve: Of corpses!

Eve and Villanelle were still at odds, and the scene became tenser when Villanelle ignored her, then expressed her anger at Eve.

There is a MAJOR spoiler for the first MAJOR character death this season following this image. READ ON AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Things got even TENSER when Villanelle slit Helene's throat, killing her instantly.

Villanelle left Eve standing over Helene's lifeless body.

Eve: Where are you going?
Villanelle: I'm done with you.

Villanelle had been entirely against Eve since Eve got her arrested earlier in the season, and we can't really blame her.

Being betrayed by someone you are infatuated with hurts like all hell, and getting arrested can't be pleasant either.

Eve still harbors some sort of feelings for Villanelle, but they are constantly clouded by whatever morals she has left within herself.

Villanelle's killing of Helene leads straight to Eve killing someone else, much to the disappointment of Carolyn.

Carolyn was with Lars (formerly known as Johan) when Eve shot him once in the chest and once right through the forehead.

Carolyn attempted to get Eve to give her time; she still is searching for whoever ordered Kenny's assassination.

Eve had had enough, however, and shot Lars.

Carolyn, devasted, claims that things will never end.

Well done. You’ve killed one. And they’ll just replace him…again and again. Over, and over, and over.


We wonder if Carolyn will ever find the truth with only two episodes left and much of The Twelve having already dropped dead.

We also wonder: who else is going to die?

We have consistently theorized that Yusuf might die (he's someone close to Eve, helping out in her situation, it sounds familiar), but we honestly have no idea.

Will one of the leading ladies die? Will Konstantin die? Someone else?

Speaking of people dying, Pam made her first contract kill.

Sadly, it was on someone we HAVE seen before: Fernanda.

Fernanda became Helene's ex, then got used by Eve in Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 3.

Helen ordered the hit (of course), and Pam grappled with her emotions.

Fernanda was friendly to her, and Pam has not received much kindness in her life: from her shitty brother to Konstantin being himself.

Ultimately, she decided to go through with the hit and injected Fernanda with a deadly substance.

Pam's decision to go through with killing Fernanda doesn't surprise us, but her hesitation does.

Everyone we've met who gets involved with The Twelve usually needs something like this in their life and usually has no regrets.

For Pam, Helene believed in her, something that no one had done in the past.

Even Villanelle -- who has her issues with regrets and changing -- doesn't usually hesitate before a kill, and she most certainly does not regret anyone she's killed.

It will be interesting to see if Pam changes over time into someone who has no regrets with this job because any sign of weakness could get her killed.

At this point, we wonder how much more we will learn about this new character Pam.

She's portrayed brilliantly by Anjana Vasan, but only two more episodes are left in the season.

There are still many storylines and threads to wrap up, and throwing Pam into the mix makes it more challenging to see the ending.

From this point, with only two more hours remaining, we ask: will Eve, Villanelle, and Carolyn achieve their goals of revenge?

Or will they fizzle and fail?

With Killing Eve, things can go either way.

Seeing these ladies succeed will be brilliant, but we also can't deny that we'd enjoy seeing them fail in explosive proportions.

Even though we love these characters, we have come not to expect a happy ending (I mean, with a title like Killing Eve, can you blame us).

This segment brought many of the main plot points to the forefront instead of taking the back seat like in the previous airings.

Two more members of The Twelve are dead, and we still don't know who is the main person in charge.

Carolyn is becoming more and more desperate, and now that her primary lead is dead, she may have to take drastic measures.

We also want to know who ordered the hit on Kenny, but we hope Carolyn doesn't lose her life while finding the truth.

Hopefully, the show will wrap up well enough that most of the current loose ends can be tied.

We are happy the show is ending on its terms, however, as we didn't want to see the show get canceled suddenly.

So Fanatics, what did you think of the episode?

Did Helene's death surprise you? What about Villanelle's

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and remember to watch Killing Eve online here on TV Fanatic!


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