Sunday, 13 February 2022

Days of Our Lives may be on hiatus due to the Olympics, but that doesn't mean we don't have questions about the happenings in Salem.

Our TV Fanatic, Jack, is joined by Kpatch, DoolFan4Life, and André DiMera from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate which child of a legacy character should return, who has the best friendship, which Salemite they'd switch lives with for a day, and more!

Days Of Our Lives Round Table 1-27-15

Is there a legacy character's child currently not in Salem that you'd like to see return?

Kpatch: Mike Horton for sure. Three different actors have played him, and I've loved them all.

Also, Stephanie Johnson. She's not a favorite, but I think there's a lot they could do with her. She had the ability to straddle between good and evil. She was like Gabi with a conscience.

DoolFan4Life: It's not that he's not in Salem as much as he's not getting much airtime. Shawn is a wasted character to me. He has so much potential as Bo and Hope's son.

I feel they could do so much more with Shawn than to prop other characters, but anytime he gets a story, it's about Jan Spears or Belle cheating on him.

André DiMera: So many! But my top three would have to be J.J., Stephanie, and Noelle Curtis.

Jack: JJ. Always JJ. LOL, I hate that he's never even mentioned, and with Abigail missing, it seems like a good time for him to come back.

I'd also like for Stephanie to return. She and JJ could go off together to look for their missing family members, which would be a fun story.

Aside from that, it's also completely ridiculous that Joy is "in grad school" and has no clue that her parents are breaking up and that her father is gay. She needs to transfer to Salem U and become part of this story!

Which two characters have your favorite friendship in Salem?

Kpatch: I used to love Philip and Shawn's friendship, but that got ruined. I also loved Steve and Bo's friendship, but Bo's gone. Hope and Jen's friendship is off-screen.

I like Jake and Ben's friendship. They have a nice balance when they're together.

Jack and Xander were an unexpected duo. And I enjoy Maggie and Xander's mother-son friendship.

DoolFan4Life: I am a huge fan of the Xander/Jack bromance, not that we've seen much of it lately.

I also like the interaction between Kate and Paulina and would love to see a friendship blossom out of it.

André DiMera: Hope and Jennifer. I love their relationship as cousins and friends!

Jack: I like Xander and Maggie's friendship a lot more than I expected.

I also enjoyed Nicole and Ava's friendship before all this Rafe business.

Sonny isn't currently in Salem, but I always enjoyed his friendship with Chad. And Gabi is a lot more tolerable when she's a friend to Sami.

If you could switch lives with anyone in Salem for a day, which character would you choose?

Kpatch: Kayla. She's smart, strong, beautiful, and has one of the most long-standing and most solid relationships on Days. '

DoolFan4Life: Probably Victor, so I can spew out snarky one-liners and have it be okay, lol!

If not Victor, I suppose I'd say Chloe, and on that day, I'd tell Brady where to go.

André DiMera: I'm not sure that I really would. If I had to pick one, I guess it would be kinda cool to be Tony DiMera for a day…so long as André isn't around trying to impersonate him.

Jack: I'd choose Jack (and not just because we have the same first name!). He's an accomplished journalist, so if we switched places, I imagine I'd return to find my writing career has advanced. LOL.

And I have always wanted to work for a major newspaper, so I'd enjoy taking over the Spectator for the day. Also, I'd stand up to Gwen for him since he seems incapable of doing it.

Who do you think should end up with Dimera Enterprises? Who should run Titan for Victor?

Kpatch: Chad should run Dimera. Philip is the only one who should run Titan.

DoolFan4Life: Honestly, maybe Tony should be running it at this stage, I don't mind Chad or EJ, but they can't seem to get along.

I have zero interest in Gabi or Jake getting the position; even Kate is a better choice.

As for Titan, Philip, that position is his and always should have been Philip's. However, if the actor isn't coming back, then I think Titan was in good hands with Xander, and he should be given another go at it.

André DiMera: Tony and Chad should end up co-running DiMera. It makes the most sense, in my opinion, for Philip to run Titan.

Jack: If it means we see Tony more often, I'm all for him taking over Dimera (even though Anna won't be happy).

I'd love for Victor to remember that Justin has three other children besides Sonny and get one of them to come back and take over Titan. I'd pay to see the look on Gabi's face if this relative she never heard of beat her out!

In the Ava/Rafe/Nicole triangle, who is the most to blame for the mess their relationships have become?

Kpatch: Rafe. He is trying to have two relationships at once, and he's not being forthright with the woman who lives with him.

DoolFan4Life: I'd say it's a tie between Rafe and Nicole, but actually, Nicole is the worst as she's supposed to be Ava's friend. Friends don't do that to each other and still act nice to their face.

Nicole is a terrible person, much like Rafe, but I guess I expected no less from caveman Rafe, where Nicole continues to surprise me with not only her lack of character growth but, in this case, her character fall.

In no way do I feel sympathy for Nicole or Rafe, and I hope Ava gets away with her revenge.

André DiMera: Ava, but there are no clean hands here. Yes, what Nicole and Rafe did was wrong, but after all of her growth, I hate that Ava is going back to how she used to be because of this.

Jack: There's more than enough blame to go around, but a lot of this could have been avoided if Rafe had communicated clearly from the beginning. Ava offered to bow out if he wanted to be with Nicole at least ten times, but he kept insisting he didn't.

Then he decided he wanted to be with Nicole... but also told Ava he wanted to be with her. While I don't like how Ava is behaving, I can't blame her for feeling angry and humiliated after Rafe strung her along for over a year!

Which character would you like to see get a storyline reboot?

Kpatch: Philip for sure. His character was all but destroyed in his latest run. I want to see him come back strong, self-assured, and not a jealous fool.

DoolFan4Life: Philip, the writers, really done him dirty on this last one.

My close seconds would be Lucas not kidnapping Sami and Craig not having an affair.

André DiMera: Roman. He hasn't really had anything to do in a long time except serve food and offer advice at the Pub.

Jack: Philip and Lucas both went totally off the deep end in the name of "love," and it's ruined both characters. So let's reboot them both!

Which storyline are you most excited about seeing continue when Days returns from its Olympic hiatus?

Kpatch: I'm most interested in seeing the fallout from Lani learning TR is her biological father and whether they can forge a relationship.

DoolFan4Life: I guess I'm excited to see what happens on the island with Sarah, we only saw her once, and it appeared she was drugged or something. I'd like to find out what's in that peach pie.

Mostly I want to see her and Xander reunite and Gwen to get packing her bags, out of town and off my screen.

André DiMera: Craig and Nancy. I've always loved them as a couple, and with the recent revelation of Craig's sexuality, I can't wait to see where this storyline goes!

Jack: The Paulina storyline caught my interest, and I want to see what happens next with TR. I'm also excited to see where the Craig storyline goes now that he's come out and Nancy is done with him.

Okay, Days fans. What are your answers to our round table questions? Hit that SHOW COMMENTS button down below to share them here.


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