Thursday, 2 December 2021

I take back everything good I've said about Kate in recent reviews!

Gossip Girl (2021) Season 1 Episode 11 concluded with a game-changing cliffhanger that will have a stratospheric impact on the rest of the show.

Kate spent so long trying to usurp the power from Sharon, and in all honesty, all of these teachers are as bad as each other.

How could Kate realistically believe that the actions of the bargain bin Blair and Serena would be an accurate representation of the other kids?

Gossip Girl, the Instagram account, built itself up by saying that everything would be treated as a blind tip.

With discretion no longer assured, the only way the account will survive is by making things up.

Who will want to send in tips if the account will reveal who sent them for Christmas?

Yes, it creates carnage, but it's the most wicked thing the account could do.

Hopefully, the season finale will find us saying goodbye to the teachers because the account is an utter shambles.

All of the relationships between the students had gradually been repaired, but with all of the tips coming to the forefront, it will be carnage witnessing everyone go after each other.

Julien had already quit Instagram, but now things are going to come back to bite her.

This is such a mess, and the only way through it is if the students act as though the account lied about everything.

The only positive thing I can say about it is that it is a vast narrative risk, but it could also blow up the whole concept of the show.

I wouldn't be surprised if Gossip Girl (2021) Season 1 wrapped with a new person behind the account, someone we will spend many episodes getting to know.

Julien's grandmother arriving in town was an excellent way to dial up the conflict for Julien. She's spent so much time trying to better herself and create distance between her and her father.

Grams believed that the city was to blame for everything, and when your family name is dragged through the mud, it's probably a good idea to regroup.

Now that Julien is allowed to stay with Nick and Zoya, the tensions between the sisters will be at a high.

Nick wants to find a different apartment, and Julien will struggle by not being in a building that dwarves the others.

Then again, Julien has proven to be one of the most down-to-earth characters, so anything is possible.

My big concern is in how she reacts to the truth about the account. There were a lot of tips sent in about her, so that it will make for a very different series.

Zoya acting out and having a day to herself with Shan was risky, but it paid off in a big way when Shan told Nick how his daughter was feeling.

Nick has been blind to the fact that Zoya has been going through something, and when you consider the direction of their lives recently, it makes sense.

They need to better communicate as a father and daughter, and while Nick gets a bad rap among the fans, he's a great father.

Shan was a great addition to the show, but I hope she wasn't used as a plot device to make Nick realize he needed to be more observant of his daughter.

Shan brought out a different side of Zoya, a more fun side that we hadn't seen before, so the friendship should continue.

Obie's plot with his sister was cumbersome. I've never been an Obie fan because the writing for him has sucked since the beginning.

It's hard to care for a character that simply doesn't grow, but his sister scolded him for the "Noble O" approach to life.

Heidi was a hard-up character, but it was clear that she was higher up the family hierarchy.

Obie being iced out of a family get-together sucked, but when he so deeply opposes everything his family stands for, what does he expect?

The intent of the storyline was clearly to make us feel sorry for him, but he simply doesn't fit in with the world of the show.

Audrey and Aki realized the missing piece of their relationship was Max was a long time coming. You could tell the show was headed in this direction from the beginning of them hooking up.

There was a certain look on Max's face when he saw their faces on the dating app, but will he even want to get close to them again?

He always feels like the third. He wasn't in the relationship initially, and he will probably worry they will go off him again and leave him out in the cold.

A lot is riding on the season finale. The show has been a big success in the second half of the season, but I'm concerned by the direction of some of the plots.

What are your thoughts on the teachers going nuclear on the students?

What will become of Obie?

Will Julien and Zoya be able to live in the same household?

Hit the comments below.

Catch Gossip Girl on HBO Max.


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