Monday 31 January 2022

There's no such thing as a free meal when you're dining with the Russells. 

On The Gilded Age Season 1 Episode 2, stands are made, and alliances begin to take shape.

There's intrigue, oodles of potential romances, would-be scandals, and remarks so cutting you could serve dinner with them. Would we expect any less?

The whole situation between the Russells and the Morrises wasn't entirely unpredictable, but it was still fun to watch it all unravel.

There is no challenge you are not equal to, my dear.

Mr. George Russell

Mr. Russell wants his train station. Mrs. Russell wants to be the toast of New York society.

It begins with the Morrises. For every thinly veiled insult Mrs. Morris dished out, Mrs. Russell had a scathing rejoinder. Mrs. Morris was clearly out of her depth with this new adversary.

Mrs. Russell seems to want to be friends, but when slighted, she is merciless.

The husbands want to do business, even though it's a bit dodgy with Mr. Russell essentially bribing the aldermen, so it will be interesting to see how the relationship between the wives affects things between their respective husbands.

What a power move from Mr. Russell at the charity bazaar! It was such a display of their vast wealth but done in the name of a "good cause."

It was a threat in the form of generosity -- be our friends, or you are our enemies. It was a wonderfully passive-aggressive way to make their point.

Mrs. Anne Morris: This sort of stunt does not impress the people you want to win over.
Mrs. Bertha Russell: Mrs. Morris, this sort of stunt impresses everyone.

Even Mrs. Astor (the suitably regal Donna Murphy) agrees. Mrs. Astor's approval seems key for anyone hoping to be someone in New York society. The Russells have now caught her eye -- if she accepts them, everyone will likely follow suit, however begrudgingly.

Trading money for social capital is nothing new. The Russells have so much to offer, and Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Fane are blind to think they can take money without giving something in return.

It was quite telling that they both blamed the other for not wanting to use the Russells' ballroom. Did they both just assume the other was against it?

It was almost hilarious when Mrs. Russell threw aside her breakfast during her discovery of the bazaar's location change -- the music swelling, the drama of it all. Apparently, when you're in high society, these are the things that upset you.

It really heightened the shallowness of these people -- it helps that there are plenty of other characters on the show with plights and problems of actual consequence.

Marian is so wonderful; she doesn't buy into all the pettiness. She appears immune to the ill effects of association with the nouveau riche. She's the niece of Agnes Van Rhijn, cousin of Aurora Fane and Oscar VAn Rhijn, but she is friendly with "enemies" Larry and Gladys Russell because she likes them.

Marian has no money, but she doesn't come from money, so what has she got to lose? She isn't educated in the ways of society, but she isn't afraid to be herself. It's clear she believes Aunt Agnes wouldn't disown her or throw her out.

Marian thinks Mr. Russell's actions at the bazaar are marvelous, and she isn't afraid to let the other ladies know how shoddy their treatment of Mrs. Russell is and how petty their reasons are.

We still want her check, though. We just need to insult her first.

Marian Brook

This show would be all a bit much without her there, injecting a bit of honest discourse and hopefully helping to shake things up a bit. Louisa Jacobson does well playing Marian as someone who does well at maintaining decorum but cannot resist the urge to speak up for those who are being wronged. 

Marian is making many allies that meet the disapproval of her Aunt Agnes. Mrs. Chamberlain (Jeanne Tripplehorn) is another.

What on earth did she do to make herself such a pariah? No doubt Marian will find out soon enough. Is she to be trusted? Perhaps a Russell-Chamberlain-Brook alliance could form to really stir things up.

Aunt Agnes continues to serve up haughty quips at every turn.

It seems to me the ship is sinking. We must follow the example of the rats.

Agnes Van Rhijn

The beautiful thing about Baranski's Agnes is that her heart is well-meaning, as we saw in her scene with Ada. Her cold exterior stems from a need to maintain her place. Agnes knows how the world works and what is expected of her --- and what, in turn, is expected of any woman who wants a comfortable life.

Agnes understands Marian's position and has her best interests at heart. Ada is naive in that regard, which is a point of contention between the two sisters.

Ada never married, so she only has a second-hand knowledge of what Agnes went through. Through it all, they have remained close, and Ada remains tolerant of her sister's harshness. 

The contrast between Ada and Agnes was most evident in Ada's scene with Marian, which was lovely. Ada knows the best way to gain Marian's loyalty is compassion, not sternness, and their shared love of Henry, Ada's brother and Marian's father.

The bond between aunt and niece was displayed so warmly by Nixon and Jacobson, a welcome contrast to the shallowness of so many other characters.

Agnes doesn't seem to approve of anyone of Marian's potential suitors. Oscar is out of the question for many reasons, leaving Larry Russell and Mr. Raikes.

It's hard to tell which one Marian prefers, as she definitely has chemistry with both of them.

Larry is undoubtedly the better off of the two financially, but it appears Mr. Raikes is willing to move to New York to be closer to Marian, which is a bold enough gesture that it might tip the balance in his favor. 

As for Oscar, he seems to be interested in Gladys -- for her fortune, and little else, it would seem -- and Mrs. Russell sees right through him. Gladys appears interested, but she's not even out yet, so Oscar's interest comes off as a little unseemly.

Agnes doesn't approve of the match either, but then it seems Oscar isn't as beholden to his mother's hopes as she'd like.

Agnes Van Rhijn: I am not concerned with facts. Not if they interfere with my beliefs.
Oscar Van Rhijn: I give you prejudice in a nutshell.

Peggy's plot thickens, but she still remains shrouded in mystery. What sort of questions could she have had for Mr. Raikes that she doesn't want her father to know?

Peggy and Marian make such good friends because Peggy, too, feels the urge to help those who are being maligned. Poor Mrs. Bauer, with a gambling problem, had to contend with debt collectors, but when Peggy came to her aid, a new alliance formed.

Now, Peggy has allies in everyone but Armstrong, Agnes's maid. It's refreshing to the majority of the servants now unprejudiced in this regard and defending their new co-worker -- particularly satisfying was Bannister's dressing down of Armstrong when he pointed out that Peggy outranked her.

Peggy and Marian's friendship helped secure Mrs. Bauer's payment to the debt collector, first via Oscar but in the end through Ada. This probably isn't the last we've heard of the whole situation -- no doubt it will get back to Agnes eventually. What she will make of it remains to be seen.

Speaking of servants, it seems something is cooking between chef Baudin and housekeeper Mrs. Bruce over at the Russells' abode. Though she comes from humble beginnings, he's clearly interested in her, and she seems to be receptive. It's all very sweet. Is it wishful thinking to hope it stays that way?

Not all the servants in the Russell household are quite so demure.

Turner is subtly overstepping her bounds. This show has made a point of showing the deep love and respect between Mr. and Mrs. Russell, but he didn't seem that averse to Turner's touch. Maybe he was just taken by surprise. 

We have seen, though, how much Mr. Russell loves power and attention. What is Turner's intention here? Does she intend to seduce him? Or perhaps cause a scandal or blackmail him to set herself up financially? Whatever she's up to, it can't be good. 

This show is truly a love letter to New York, in every sense.

Not only is it populated with many Broadway stars, but this showcases an old New York of our dreams --- shining, opulent, and, yes, gilded.

How utterly gorgeous was the scene in Central Park? It was all perfect -- the music, the background players, the production, and the magnificent fountain!

It's truly like being transported back to the world of 1882 -- an idealized version, certainly, but a splendid one nonetheless.

How are you enjoying the proceedings, Fanatics?

Which romances are you expecting to bear fruit?

Are you rooting for the Russells in their daring social climb?

Share your thoughts, hopes, and dreams in the comments! 



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