Monday 31 January 2022

They are really plowing ahead with the season's action by ripping open layers of detail on Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2.

We have Asha's backstory (which clearly leaves much untold), Layton's new obsession with Dragon's Blood trees, Wilford's EMP weapon (Rest in Pieces), and Javi's trauma-fueled existence.

Casting a distractingly blinding sparkle over it all is The Loyal Wedding of Oz and LJ, while it's Ruth's steady beacon of hope that drives the Resistance forces on Wilford's train, one thousand and twenty-three cars long.

The wedding does an impressive job of revealing the rot in both LJ and Osweiller's relationship and Wilford's relationship with some of his most loyal subjects.

It doesn't appear that LJ's fall from Firstie to Janitor has taught her any long-lasting lessons in selflessness or altruism.

I mean, one has to admire resilience, but hers is a special level of psychopathic delusion that makes my heart ache a bit for Oz.

LJ, it's a mean, old world, but with you in it, it finally makes sense.


And believe you me, I never thought I'd ever have a sympathetic feeling to spare for Brakeman John Osweiller, but when everything LJ does is with an eye to regaining the status she's lost, it only enforces the message to Oz that he'll never be good enough for her.

He's looking for someone to reciprocate the unconditional love he's putting out there, and LJ's single-mindedness makes it hard not to see her as a cartoon villain-child, stomping on his good intentions.

It probably doesn't help that LJ's close relationship with Wilford puts Oz in an actual ball-crushing contest with the Eternal Engineer.

Honestly, just when you can't imagine Wilford being any weirder, he grabs the testicles of his pseudo-future-son-in-law and invites him to reciprocate. Who does that?

Everyone, now. To our unbreakable pact with the train. To loyalty. And your contract with me to survive.


Even Wilford's wedding planning has a tinge of insanity to it. Three-parts propaganda and one-part celebration of a relationship, it's such a spectacular farce to pull together in a single day.

Wilford: Zarah, go see the cake maker.
Zarah: You put the cake maker in Compost.
Wilford: Then get him out! We're getting married!

Wilford's approach to humbling the masses through his austerity measures doesn't seem effective in crushing their spirits as the Resistance holds strong among the proletariat.

Mind you, they aren't going to turn up their noses at extra rations and a day off. They're not stupid, by any means.

And mentioning the Resistance brings us to the real heart of the movement: Ruth.

Ruth's character development is a study of the power of loyalty. Snowpiercer Season 1 introduces her as a terrifying figure to Tailies, Melanie's right hand, fiercely loyal to Wilford's Order.

Ruth: Doesn't Mr. Wilford understand you can't just change the rules?
Cavill: I guess they're his rules to change. He chose the will of the people.
Ruth: We don't have will. We have Order.

She welcomes the return of Mr. Wilford in the flesh on Snowpiercer Season Season 2 Episode 1 -- literally rolling out the welcome brigade on Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 10 -- only to become disillusioned as the truth of life under his tyranny emerges.

By Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 9, Wilford suspects her allegiance had shifted and forces her to choose a side, and Ruth lands in Big Alice's Swamp car with Layton as punishment for her decision.

Since Layton's pirate train took off on Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 10, Ruth has gone underground... um, undertrain?... and now coordinates the Resistance as a way to provide hope and resources for the oppressed populace.

It is the ideal role for her and her skill set. Her position in Hospitality means she knows every person on the train. She is efficient, effective, and calm in a crisis. She is a problem-solver who holds herself to the same high standard of conduct and integrity she expects from those around her.

Wilford: If you'd only stayed loyal.
Ruth: I am loyal. To something bigger than you. You've got it all wrong, Mr. Wilford.
Wilford: I hear that all the time. And then I win.
Ruth: Winning isn't leading. And loyalty isn't enough on its own. It has to come with love. And not the kind that you feed off. Unconditional love. Sacrifice. For each and every passenger. You can't ignore love. You can't predict it either.

When she gives herself up to Kevin and his goons to buy Pike's team time to solve the issue of the EMP weapon, it's a choice that she knows will lead to potentially dire consequences.

Her scenes with Wilford are the epitome of excellence from this writing team and a true example of the grace and grit with which Alison Wright infuses the character.

Wilford: The irony is I built the ports in as an idle threat. Never expected to use them. You did. Thirteen times.
Ruth: I'll pay my penance. You can have my arm.

IMHO, Wilford's revelation that he never intended to use the arm-taking portholes is total BS, designed to strike at the heart of Ruth's sense of her own decency. No one designs a train with those uni-tasking vulnerabilities in the hull and provides the tools and instructions on removing arms if they meant it as an idle threat.

Wright's microexpressions convey that his dig hits home, but Ruth's steel spine refuses to let it break her.

She's even flippant in her response to his description of how he'll order her punishment carried out.

Wilford: They're preparing the port for you now. I'll make sure they mount the cuff nice and high, where prosthetics are impossible.
Ruth: Wouldn't wear one anyway.

Above all else, Ruth has seen her mission -- whether as a representative of Hospitality or as the leader of the Resistance -- to care for the passengers.

It's interesting to note that she was the first to trumpet Wilford's return when Big Alice made her appearance, but it's the return of Layton's pirate train here that saves her.

As Wilford prepares to fight for his domain, he'll find himself fighting on two fronts -- Layton's pirate train outside and Ruth's Resistance internally --, and that's never a position of power, no matter how big a megalomaniac one is.

The reunification of the trains also signals many other confrontations to come. It has been SIX MONTHS, after all.

Roche has been in the drawers for six months.

Alex has had six months to process Melanie's gone-ness.

It's been six months of austerity and hardship on Wilford's train and disappointment on the pirate train.

But Layton's ace up his sleeve is Asha.

Asha: You pushed past what was safe, even sane, to rescue me. Why?
Layton: I'm just glad I did.

She's survived eight years, and while her trauma runs deep, her existence is a flaming torch with which Layton can win the hearts and minds of the train's citizens.

We have seen Layton ask many things of those loyal to him. What will he ask of Asha?

As you watch Snowpiercer online, consider what other plans Wilford might've made for Layton's welcome home.

How will Pike react to Ruth's demotion from leader?

What about Dr. Headwood's experiments on Zarah and Layton's baby?

Hitch your engine up to our comments, and share your thoughts and theories!



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