The $1 Question
The question of whether poetry is a lucrative niche for freelance job has become many contemporary poets' nightmare.In today's online-writers' jungle, niche like business niche, health related niche and finance related niche are the king in terms of potential returns they can push into online freelancer's purse.
Well, that doesn't mean poetry is a no-go-area; after all, most wise startup freelancers don't begin their journey with a single niche. They have at least two niches at their disposal.
The Bitter Truth
As I said earlier, all niches are not the same_ some are more lucrative than others but choosing the right niche isn't the only thing, possessing the appropriate freelancing knowledge is now a necessity.Freelancing now has two phases which are the pro phase and the amateur phase. Most writers are missing out on the knowledge of how to become a professional freelance writer.
If you're a freelancer and has broad knowledge of poetry, there are many poetry magazines online you can always work with. You can find jobs here or you can simply allow to mail job offers to your email box the same way they do to my gmail box every week.
Enunwa Chukwudinma S.
aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)
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