The Poet
The poem Vanity was written by Birago Diop, the author of a poetry book titled: Lures And Glimmers (1960). Birago Diop wasn't just a poet, he was a veterinarian and was once an ambassador of Senegal to Tunisia. He was born 11/11/1906 but died 10/11/1989.
The Title Justification
I prefer the poem Breaths by Birago Diop to the poem Vanity by Birago Diop but considering the title of the poem Vanity, how suitable is it to the context of the poem?There was no direct display of vanity in the poem because the twenty nine lines of the poem were written without a single word called vanity, but the poem speaker painted the picture of vanity from start to finish.
Through one of the theme of negligence, the poem speaker revealed vanity in virtually all the four stanzas ("Who indeed will hear them without laughter?" in line 5, "What eyes will watch our loud mouths?" in line 8, even line 11-14 portrayed vanity)
The poem went "in black depths" to show how negligence on part of the poem speaker and of those who will hear what the poem speaker had to say, made the message of the poem to be in vain.
In conclusion, I'm of the notion or support that the title of the poem is well suitable. Kudos to Birago Diop.
Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the candid winged Leo soaring)
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