Showing posts with label samuelenunwa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samuelenunwa. Show all posts

Friday, 22 September 2017 has analyzed some poems relating to London and the poem "A Descrition of A City Shower" is another instance of classic poems written about London. The poet described the messy state of his city during the rainy season. The mental images painted in the poem might not match the present day London but it gave the readers a clear view of what London was in the year 1710 when the poem was crafted by the poet, Jonathan Swift.

The poem divided into multi-stanzas has its summary shown that when its about to rain, their would be a heavy cloud, a thicker odious environment and the cats will be seen so moody, and the poet's advice to stay at with wine than attempt to go for a diner (according to the first stanza of the poem which has a total of twelve lines). 

What follows is the effect of the rain on the people around_ running here and there to hide from the rain: 
"To Shops in Crouds the daggled Females fly (which is metaphor)
Pretending to cheapen Goods, but nothing buy
The Templer spruce, while ev'ry Spout's a-broach (the templer: law student from Temple, London)
Stays till 'tis fair, yet seems to call a Coach. (alliteration found in the line)
The tuck'd-up Semptstress walks with hasty Strides
While Streams run down her oil'd Umbrella's Sides
Here various Kinds by various Fortunes led (various is repeated, Kind = people, Fortunes = ambitions)
Commence Acquaintance underneath a Shed."

From the above quote, the rain changed the course of humans intentions which led to most of them acting wierd and fake; many who wouldn't have been friendly force started friendly conversations with other fellows camped by the sudden rain under a tiny roof, ladies run into shops are seen making enquiries about products they wouldn't buy, the students kept calling the cabs but not with the intention of leaving unless the rain stops, the dressmaker was working hasty under her umbrella as if she would be late for a certain appointment (according to the third stanza of the poem). The fourth stanza is an end-rhyming lines of eleven in total. 

It gave a detailed description of the flood; its smelly nature, how it navigated its ways through the city (They, as each Torrent drives, with rapid Force/ From Smithfield, or St Pulchre's shape their Course/ And in huge Confluent join at Snow-Hill Ridge/ Fall from the Conduit prone to Holborn-Bridge), and how the flood swiftly travel with any helpless things that fall into its path (examples seen in the poem are "Drown'd Puppies", "stinking Sprats", "Dead Cats", "Turnip-Tops").

The author of Gullivers Travels, Jonathan Swift lived between 30th November, 1667 and 19th October, 1745. He was born in Republic of Ireland and did attend University of Oxford. Swift, during his lifetime was known as a poet and Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin among other things. 
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Enunwa Chukwudinma S aks samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

Monday, 18 September 2017

“The moon has a face like the clock in the hall
She shines on thieves on the garden wall
On streets and fields and harbour quays
An d birdies asleep in the forks of the trees
The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse
The howling dog by the door of the house
The bat that lies in bed at noon
All love to be out by the light of the moon
But all the things that belong to the day
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way
And flowers and children close their eyes
Till up in the morning the sun shall rise.”

[Other Interesting Poem To Read Is The Night Wind By Emily Bronte]

Accoding to a wikipedia article about the poet, Robert L. Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish poet and author; one among his famous book is Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was born in Edinburgh on the 13th of November, 1850 into the family of a Scottish lighthouse engineer named Thomas Stevenson.

The poet aims to remind us that there is time for everything on earth. Using the moon as the sample for  his illustration, the moon only appears at night with its own benefits which some living things he mentioned in the poem dimmed necessary to harness and enjoy while others deny themselves of the moon in order to attain their needed night rest.

The dominant devices in the poem are sibilance and onomatopoeia (squalling, squeaking and howling in lines 5-6) but the presence of the moon was well appreciated by the poet that he compared it appearance with the use of simile to a clock on the wall whose impact are felt through the streets and fields and harbours. “Birdies asleep in the forks of trees” is a line in the poem that contained assonance in attempt to describe the tree creatures enjoyed the moon while “howling dog by the door” contained alliteration. “The bat that lies in bed at noon” is a hyperbole exaggerating the state of the bat in their comfort zones. “Flowers and children close their eyes” is not only a personification but a zeugma where the verb “close” is used for both “flowers” and “children” that share no direct relationship.

[Must Read: Analysis Of Vultures By Simon Pederek ]

This straight single verse poem has a total of 12 lines with end rhymes in couplet form. It possessed a very simple diction, a very calm tone in a relaxed mood. And the subject clearly declared the poem’s place of occurrence which is under a full moon. The moon whose face is like the “clock in the hall” is seen performing some nightly obligation such as securing the environment which the poet referred to as “shines on thieves on the garden wall”. The birdies, the squalling cat, the squeaking mouse, the howling dog, the bat are all glad to see the moon shine on them but most things active during the day_ flowers and children close their eyes sleeping to deny themselves the presence of the moon.

Enunwa Chukwudinma S aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

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