Showing posts with label pablo neruda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pablo neruda. Show all posts

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Absence by Pablo Neruda has the theme of love and optimism. Neruda composed the poem on the ground of love; based on the context of the poem, we see two lovers without close contact. While the female feels hurt, the poem speaker composed this reassuring poem to prove that his love for her remains intact. Last stanza of the poem shows the optimistic nature of the poet:
"But wait for me,
Keep for me your sweetness.
I will give you too
A rose."

Structurally, the poem titled "Absence" by Pablo Neruda is a multiple stanza free verse. The title of the poem makes the message straightforward. Where one lover worries about the long absence of his or her lover. It may not be appropriate to specify a setting for the poem but the subject in discussion deals with emotional condition tabled in front of the readers in the form of love letter. The tone is very sweet, wooing, and assuring.

Let's make a stanza-by-stanza explanation of this simple poem. The first stanza shows that the poet began to feel the absence of his lover immediately he departed which made him feel:
Or uneasy, wounded by me
Or overwhelmed with love, as
when your eyes
Close upon the gift of life"

The stanza two described their love affair in form of reminiscences:
"My love,
We have found each other
Thirsty and we have
Drunk up all the water and the
We found each other
And we bit each other
As fire bites,
Leaving wounds in us."

The third and the final stanza of the poem is where Pablo Neruda urged his lover to kindly wait for him as he promised to return to her with the gift she cherished the most "A rose".

Few of the easily noticed poetic devices in the poem are simile "As fire bites", metaphor "the gift of life", anaphora "Or trembling" "Or uneasy" "Or overwhelmed with love", repetition of words and phrases.

"When you go in me" can be interpreted as "when the feelings of love I have inside my heart".

"Leaving wounds in us" can be interpreted as "making us inseparable".

According to wikipedia information about the background of the poet, Pablo Neruda was a pen name derived from Czech poet Jan Neruda. The pen name later became his legal name. Pablo Neruda was born Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.

He was born in Chile on 12-07-1904 but died on 23-09-1973.


Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)

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