The Overview
In William Wordsworth poem "The World Is Too Much With Us", he tells of his dislike towards humans' ingratitude and lack of reverence for nature and its elements.
With the sonnet nature of the poem, Wordsworth professionally arranged his views in two parts; the first part being his complaint, the second part being his resolution. The poet says that human beings have had much of the world this era that their daily life activities blindfolded them from seeing and cherishing the beauties entombed in nature. He decides to derail into "paganism" because he sees more of nature and natural beauties in them than in anything else; deities like Proteus and Triton are his motivators.
The Structure
The poem is a sonnet with the octave (1st 8 lines) about his complains while the sestet (the remaining 6 lines) about his resolution. The first eight lines have the end rhyme pattern of ABBAABBA while the rest six lines have the end rhyme pattern of CDCDCD.
How much I love to see similes in a poem, this poem has it in line 7 "now like sleeping flowers". There is a classical allusion in the poem making reference to two Greek gods (Proteus and Triton) and with the poet's mention of "pagan" in line 10, the poem snatched few religion. Personification in line 5-6 where the sea has blossom and the wind howling. Alliterations like "bares her bossom" "Great God", imageries also added beauty to the poem.
The Theme
The poem possesses the theme of abundant beauty in nature; which human beings refuse to recognize, ingratitude or lack of appreciation for the available things or readymade thing instead humans chase around the artificials, another the theme in the poem speaks of religion and the beautiful reflection of nature in the so-called "paganism".
William Wordsworth 7-4-1770 – 23-4-1850 was an English Romantic poet.
Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)