Wednesday, 16 March 2022

The Conners is at its best when it straddles the line between heartbreak and humor. 

And although it doesn't always get it right, and what show could, The Conners Season 4 Episode 15 hit the mark.

It worked as Becky navigated the beginning of the end of her secret romance, and Dan struggled with how to manage to be a friend without getting sucked back into the gaping hole of his own grief. 

Despite moving on with his life and finding new love since Roseanne's death, it was clear that the loss of his wife of over 40 years never leaves Dan. 

It's a wound that never completely heals, but Dan has learned to manage his grief and find happiness. But realizing that Chuck could be at the beginning of that same journey shook Dan in a way that not much else could. 

Darlene: What's really going on here?
Dan: I'm worried that Ann Marie's going to die and Chuck's going to be devastated. I barely got through my own loss. I don't think I have the strength to go through all that again.

But Darlene pointed out that Dan had his family to get through it with, and Chuck didn't have anyone. The poor man was rattling around his messy house in his robe, trying to figure out how to make himself a meal and failing. 

With Chuck Jr. in another state, Chuck was very much alone and needed his friends now more than ever. And perhaps what he needed most of all was Dan's humor. 

Listening to Dan and Chuck joke about how their wives did everything and how lost they were without them was sad, funny, and maddening all at once. Roseanne and Ann Marie took care of the house, the family, and worked full-time jobs.

You could say they were superwomen, but even superwomen break, which could be why Roseanne turned to pills for her pain and Ann Marie suffered a stroke. No one can handle it all and not pay a price. 

Dan: Of all of us, Ann Marie knows you can't possibly survive without her, so she's going to hang on and let you go first.
Chuck: Well, I've drank enough beer and ate enough hot dogs. I'm doing my part.

Chuck didn't only need Ann Marie, but he needed his friends.

He needed to get out of that house and interact with the outside world. He needed someone to help him deal with his fear and depression and push him to take care of himself. Despite Dan's hesitation, he and the rest of the Conners were there for Chuck. 

But Chuck wasn't the only person in a depressed state. 

When Becky and Glenn's relationship was outed, Glenn tried to protect Becky and resigned. But from there, things took an even worse turn. 

Glenn: This is my chance. I can finally write my book, and you and I don't have to hide our relationship anymore.
Becky: Oh, that is fantastic. So you have some money saved up?
Glenn: Oh God, no. I'm a community college teacher. I made more money working at the Gap in high school. I'm good for three months, maybe four if I eat once a day and live in a youth hostel.

As Glenn spiraled into hopelessness and depression, I couldn't help but wonder why we were supposed to care. 

That sounds heartless, but it's not like Glenn and Becky have had some great romance. 

As much as Ben annoyed the heck out of me when he and Darlene called it quits, I was invested in that relationship. I cheered for Ben and Darlene when things went right and got frustrated when they began to fall apart. 

But when it came to Becky and Glenn, I didn't feel much at all. About the only thing I felt was curiosity as to why Becky was with this guy in the first place.

Becky: It turns out Glenn's not good at handling adversity.
Darlene: That is not a great sign for somebody dating a Conner.
Becky: I know, and he's a smart, kind guy, but he's falling apart here. If there's a crisis, I need a partner who's got my back, and I know it makes me sound like a jerk, but I'm seeing a side of him that I'm not crazy about.
Darlene: Well, you guys haven't been together long. If you're already seeing things that worry you, jump out of the plane now while it's over water, not later when it's over rocks and pointy things.

As Becky shared her concerns about Glenn with Jackie, it became obvious that she wasn't in love with Glenn. 

Glenn was a kind, intelligent man but watching him struggle with being out of work made Becky realize that this wasn't the man for her.

Becky knows how difficult life can be, and the loss of a job is on the low end of the difficulty scale for the Conners. 

Heck, Becky has dealt with the death of a parent and a spouse, alcoholism, and is raising her young daughter mostly on her own.

She knows how hard life can get, and she realizes that Glenn isn't the partner she can count on in the trenches, so she took Darlene's advice and broke it off now before things got more complicated.

But before she did, Becky went to the Dean and took responsibility for that text. Should she have let Glenn off the hook? 

Part of me says no. He was as much a part of that relationship as she was, and he should carry half the burden.

But Becky could see that he couldn't handle the consequences, so she saved his job. 

If it made Becky feel less guilty about ditching Glenn, then I suppose accepting probation was worth it. 

The best part is that this frees Becky up to find someone with whom she can have a meaningful relationship. Perhaps she and her friend Micky can have something more than momentary bathroom sex. 

But Becky deserves a real romance with someone who can love her and be an equal partner.

Dan found Louise. DJ seems to have that with Geena. It would be nice to see the Conner women find that kind of happiness when it comes to their love lives too. 

So what did you think, TV Fanatics?

Were you surprised that Dan was reluctant to reach out to Chuck after their decades of friendship?

Were you disappointed that Becky's relationship with Professor Glenn Davis is over?

And who would you like to see Becky paired with romantically in the future?

Hit that big, blue, SHOW COMMENTS button down below to answer those questions and more!

Check back in for our review of The Conners Season 4 Episode 16, and until then, you can watch The Conners online here at TV Fanatic. 


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