That was an action-packed and heart-racing season finale.
On The Cleaning Lady Season 1 Episode 10, Arman and Thony showed again what an unbeatable team they were as they planned a sting with the FBI to take down Hayak.
The plan included some significant complications, but Arman got the revenge he sought for so long.
All Thony has ever cared about was protecting those she loved. It's a short list -- Luca, Fiona, Jazz, Chris, and now Arman.
After the Feds arrested Thony, she only cared about seeing Luca again and checking on him after his surgery. She would have brokered any deal to reunite with her son.
If you don’t fully comply, you will be locked out.
Agent Russo
Luca had never been separated from her before, and she knew how frightened he had been.
Thony was determined never to be separated from her son again, no matter the cost.
But first, she had to convince Arman to work with her and the FBI. These scenes were so tension-filled since the twosome knew Nadia was nearby. They were relieved to reunite, but they couldn't show it.
Arman didn't trust the FBI but understood Thony was in a tight spot, especially after she admitted the FBI arrested her at the border. Thony wanted to set Hayak up instead.
After Hayak continuously treated Arman as nothing but help, Arman slowly became tempted to betray him.
Garrett wasn't receptive to this idea since he thought Arman killed Theo.
Thony: Arman didn’t kill Theo.
Garrett: Well if he didn’t pull the trigger, he had one of his boys do it. It’s all the same.
Thony: No it’s not. Hayak’s son killed Theo and Arman tried to stop him.
Garrett: Is that what Arman told you to say?
Thony: No, I saw it. Theo was a good man, and I had to clean his blood off the floor to stay alive. That’s what I’ve had to deal with. Arman saved my life that night, so don’t ask me to betray him.
Somehow, Thony worked her magic to get the two men to meet and discuss the terms.
Garrett: If you cooperate, we can work something out.
Arman: I’m here because of her, that’s all.
Arman is very reluctant to work with the Feds. Thony reminded him that they needed to work together. Arman agreed to this sting operation only if Thony would be free too and wouldn't have to be an informant anymore.
When everything goes this smoothly, you know there will be fireworks later. Sure enough, Arman wanted to go rogue so that the FBI didn't get all of his money, but he had a plan so he wouldn't be blamed as the rat.
After Hayak betrayed Arman, it was only fitting that Hayak thought his daughter betrayed him this time. As Arman embraced Thony, he asked if she trusted him.
Arman: You asked me once if I trust you. I’m asking you now, do you trust me?
Thony: I do.
The sting to entrap Hakak was heart-racing. We wanted to send Hayak to prison so bad. He has treated Arman and his men like trash for so long. He honestly believed that Arman was trash without him. It was time for him to go down.
Garrett Miller has only one expression --angry. He grew angry when Arman switched meeting rooms, even though they found visual again. The feds played Arman as he suspected.
When they arrested him in front of Hayak and Noah, I had hoped that it was part of the ruse.
What did he get out of arresting Arman? Did Garrett hate him that much that he had to punish him too?
Part of Cleaning Lady's strength relied on the strong relationship between Thony and Fiona. They've grown even closer throughout the series, and it's heartwarming that they want to start their own business together.
It's lovely that Arman would leave them money so they could have that opportunity.
It allows Thony to stay in Las Vegas with her family and help other undocumented women like herself.
Fiona: This means you’re staying?
Thony: You’re my family, Fi. I don’t know how I could leave you.
Thony and Fiona act more like family than Marco and Fiona ever did. They are genuine sisters, and we can't wait to see more of them.
Even with Arman rotting in prison, Thony and Arman were committed to each other. They finally have no regrets, and it appeared they chose each other.
Arman finally got his revenge, and Thony got some of the money for her and Fiona to start a new business. Was it Arman's idea or Thony's to give Nadia a cut of the money too?
While I was shocked to see Thony working for Nadia, Nadia was a badass boss lady. She's earned it. She was the one who brokered so many deals for Arman.
You may hold the purse strings now, but you still work for me.
Hopefully, we'll get questions answered in Season 2, such as if Nadia and Arman are separated or still working together from afar.
How did Thony and Marco stay married for so long? While we may ship Arman and Thony, at least Nadia has many fine qualities. Marco doesn't.
He seemed controlling of Thony all the time. She was trying to be a caring mother by taking Luca to the States for better medical care, and all Marco cared about was keeping them together.
Their marriage seemed so toxic. Marco refused to have his son become TNT and wanted to return to the Philippines, not considering Luca's closeness to his cousins.
Marco: So, you’re saying you’ve decided to stay even if I don’t?
Thony: I’m saying we need to talk about it.
Marco seemed so old-fashioned. He wanted to be the only man in his son's life, and he couldn't handle that Arman cared about Luca too.
With how demanding Marco had been behaving, I wasn't surprised that he kidnapped Luca as soon as the family was gone. Poor Thony was heartbroken. Everything she has done has been to protect her son.
Over to you, Cleaning Lady Fanatics.
Do you think the series will be renewed soon? How will Arman get out of this mess?
Why is Thony working for Nadia?
Chime in the comments below.
Remember, if you missed any of the episodes, you can watch The Cleaning Lady online via TV Fanatic.
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