Wednesday, 2 March 2022

The residents of Smallville could use a break.

Superman & Lois Season 2 Episode 6 featured sibling rivalry, more details about the Inverse Society, relationship drama, and a wild cliffhanger that will shake up the series.

We'll start with the return of Lucy.

It came out of the left-field, and while she was open to repairing things with her sister and making up for lost time, it was evident she wanted Lois to admit she was wrong from the beginning.

The broader issue between the sisters is that there's a great deal of resentment from both sides, but Lois usually talked the most sense.

If you watch Superman & Lois online, you know we've had a front-row seat into how their relationship became so fraught, but the fact that Lucy couldn't admit Ally's methods to clue Chrissy in on the truth was unethical is something that should not be overlooked.

The tricky part of this is that Lucy could be gathering intel from the Kents and her father, only to run back to the cult with her findings.

It's hard to imagine Lucy fixing things without doing something that benefits Ally's cause.

She's too brainwashed to think for herself. However, it was nice to see Lucy interact with her family, even if it was short-lived.

She was genuinely interested in what her nephews were getting up to, but it could all have been for show.

The test will be on whether Lois can get through to her sister before it's too late. Unfortunately, history will probably repeat itself here because there is so much we don't know about them.

Clark's knack for finding solutions to problems found him on the wrong side of Mitch, but who didn't see this coming?

Mitch has been anti-Superman since the beginning, primarily because he can't control the superhero unless he tricks and kidnaps him.

Clark: And that's when you arrived in the mines?
Bizarro Clark: Where I was stuck for days... weakened by the X-Kryptonite. And now, I'm stuck once again... because of you.
Clark: Not because of me. Because you killed innocent people--two teenagers.
Bizarro Clark: Only by necessity.
Clark: You almost killed my friend.
Bizarro Clark: He attacked me.
Clark: You tried to kill me!
Bizarro Clark: Because I needed those visions to stop!

Clark hasn't done anything wrong aside from not cluing Mitch in on everything. Clark clearly understands that telling Mitch things on a need-to-know basis is the best foot forward.

I suspect there will be a lot of back and forth now that Clark's been incarcerated by the most heinous means possible.

Maybe Samuel will utilize the power of his connections to save his son-in-law, but it's hard to imagine Clark not wanting to be done with the D.O.D et al. when all of this is finished.

When you put your life on the line for the good of the rest of the world, it has to sting when people turn on you at the drop of a hat.

Then there's the Jonathan Kent of it all. He had to know the truth would ultimately come out about the super-infused inhalers.

Lois will struggle with her sons locking horns because she'll be worried about them not having a relationship. After all, she knows how difficult the breakdown in communication between siblings is.

However, the fact that the police are investigating the teenagers in the school for using the inhalers will be a stark reminder of how easy it is for people to try things they know nothing about.

Jordan was livid that his brother would stoop that low, but the series has taught us time and time again that Jonathan feels inadequate because his brother and father have superpowers.

Lucy: I can't believe how long Jordan's hair is. That must drive you crazy.
Samuel: Kids today just refuse to keep it high and tight.
Lucy: I like it.
Lois: Me too.
Lucy: He's so cute, especially with those cheeks.
Samuel: He looks like one of those pirates in the islands movies.
Lucy: You mean "Pirates of the Caribbean"? Dad's not really familiar with any movie not named "Delta Force."
Samuel: Just sayin' that first one still holds up.

Who knows, maybe this inhaler will have long-lasting detrimental effects on his health that will give him food for thought.

But, for now, the brothers are on opposing sides unless they find a way back to one another.

They will undoubtedly help each other save their father, and maybe that will show Jordan the value of the inhalers.

There doesn't seem to be any other way forward unless the show plans on a rehash of the Lucy-Lois dynamic.

Ally and Lucy could probably manipulate Jonathan into joining their cause. That would be something.

Lana's shock over the extent of Kyle's infidelity was heartbreaking, but it was great to see her handle it in the best way possible.

She had no idea how long the cheating lasted, and to be honest, she was probably thinking about whether there were more women out there.

Lana has been so devoted to keeping her family intact since the series kicked off that she failed to consider the possibility that Kyle cheated. Now that she has the answer, she's questioning everything.

Mitch: Until he reveals the location of that thing that killed our men, Superman will remain a prisoner of the United States government.
Officer: Where are they taking him, sir?
Mitch: To be with his brother.

The bitter pill for her to swallow was that he called off the extra-marital relationship when Sophie had her accident, likely because he felt terrible for not being around.

We as viewers know Kyle has changed since Superman & Lois Season 1 Episode 1, but the recent episodes have proven that there's a lot we don't know about him.

At least Lana told him she needed time and wanted him out of the house. Rushing back to him would probably give him the feeling that he could get away with it again.

"Tried and True" was a lot of fun, throwing new and exciting curveballs into the mix, and sending the show in an exciting direction.

What are your thoughts on the Lois-Lucy dynamic?

Do you think history will repeat itself with the brothers?

How will Clark react to being incarcerated?

Hit the comments below.

Superman & Lois continues Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.



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