Juicy secrets are always revealed during a season finale, and a wedding was the perfect location to divulge them.
Sam had her hands full on Single Drunk Female Season 1 Episode 10 when Brit confessed why she had the wedding day jitters, and she learned James fell off the wagon.
Both of these secrets could have caused Sam to backslide. Did she keep her sobriety intact? Let's find out.
Now that Sam has reached her one year of sobriety, she was terrified of losing it. We almost thought she had when she drank in Ronnie's bar again, talking to her dad.
Sam missed her dad so much, and it was the only way she could communicate with him. Thankfully, she woke up from this nightmare, but it showed how much Sam is afraid to backslide and disappoint her family.
Sam: Dad? I can’t see your face anymore.
Sam’s dad: Maybe I don’t want you to when you’re drinking.
Sam: Oh shit! I’m drinking. I really want to see you.
When Carol left Sam with her car keys, it showed how far their relationship had come. It meant she trusted her with her car if James didn't arrive in time. They acted close finally doing make-up together and talking about their boyfriends.
In many ways, Sam is like James. She's scared of change too, and not having help to catch her now. This is why his relapse affected her so much.
Because of his drinking, James was in another car accident. He didn't think to contact Sam, so she was worried and angry. Hopefully, they will focus more on James's continuing recovery if they get another season.
Sam thought she could handle the wedding, but she decided she wanted to leave to avoid her triggers, and she initially asked James to come with her.
Sam kept striking out in the guy department. She realized James was drunk while they were kissing.
James didn't want to let Sam down, so he tried to deny it and then admitted he had one drink.
There’s no such thing as one drink with us. You know that.
While Sam was afraid of change, she still put in the work and remained sober. James started drinking when things got good because he couldn't trust anything good was real, not his new job or his relationship with Sam.
Sam was devastated. She followed all the rules, so they could officially be together, and now they have to start all over again.
I believe that James cares about Sam, but he doesn't hear. He only wanted to party with his pretty girlfriend, and he didn't understand how triggering that wedding was for her. She refused to backslide.
Moving on to the main event- Brit's wedding. Kate, that bridal shop owner, did nothing to help and only made Brit more upset.
Every time she told Brit to suck it in, Brit looked panicked. Trying to fit in a wedding dress is never fun, but the bride should be able to breathe without pain.
There are hundreds of people downstairs waiting to take photos of you, and you look beautiful.
When Brit refused to wear the dress and began screaming, Kate brought in reinforcements, Sam. It's always awkward seeing Brit and Sam talk about Joel since best friends aren't supposed to hook up with a friend's ex.
On the other hand, we never saw Joel and Sam together, so we don't know if they had a good connection or not. It's more about the girl code.
What does it say about Joel that the nicest thing Sam noted about him was that he was sweet and building things with wood? He seemed bland and not someone who would mesh with either Brit or Sam's vibrant personalities.
Brit was so anxious that she contemplated calling off the wedding. She looked lost about her choices.
I didn’t realize this was a runaway bride situation.
When Brit asked for her friend Angeline and asked Sam to leave, Sam was hurt since she thought they had made some progress in their friendship, and Sam had put in lots of self-work.
Wow, Brit was harsh and mean when she said Sam doesn't put in work for other people, implying she's selfish.
Sam: When did this become about me?
Brit: Oh Sam, it’s always been about you. Can you go?
We weren't expecting that bombshell. Brit constantly felt guilty around Sam and had a hard time accepting her friendship because she first got together with Joel at Sam's dad's Shiva. How will they reconcile from that?
It's not unheard of, best friends dating their friend's ex. Kelly dated Dylan on Beverly Hills 90210, and Serena and Blair shared men on Gossip Girl. But, it was tacky to get together with him at a funeral while Sam was struggling with alcoholism.
It's no wonder that Sam wanted to escape from the wedding and Jame's relapse and nurse her wounds at home.
Why would Brit stop by Sam's house after everything she did? Sam was a true friend to actually let Brit in the door. Most people would have slammed the door in her face after what she had admitted.
When Brit admitted she needed Sam, Sam assumed that Brit canceled the wedding. Brit felt obligated to go through with the ceremony and felt even more trapped.
Throughout the series, Sam was the only one who genuinely understood how Brit felt about this wedding. Despite their rift, these two still understand each other's quirks.
They missed being able to laugh and cry about every momentous occasion as only long-standing friends do.
While it may be a tough betrayal to swallow, perhaps with honesty, these two can weather it.
They will both need someone as they go through the following stages of their lives.
Over to you, Single Drunk Female Fanatics. Were you surprised that Brit went through with the wedding? Do you think James and Sam will get back together?
Who do you think the show will focus on in a potential Season 2? Chime in below in the comments.
Remember, if you missed any of the episodes, you can watch Single Drunk Female online via TV Fanatic.
source https://www.tvfanatic.com/2022/03/single-drunk-female-season-1-episode-10-review-a-wedding/
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