Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Woah! That was an explosive (and hilarious) hour of television!

Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 8 lets many secrets out of the bag, and that doesn't even count the alien baby's good time at the party.

What else was revealed? Let's discuss!

Persnickety Harry is a funny Harry, so being bombarded with a plethora of uninvited guests at a time he needed the privacy was a grand occasion for viewers.

Mike: You sure? I'll come down and help.
Harry: No! I want to carry it myself. The ice feels good on my nipples.

When you get the prominent members of Patience together for a party, there's no end to the excitement that unfolds.

Harry's alien baby was the least of it, which won't surprise anyone who likes to watch Resident Alien online.

Whether it's the small population or their confined space (in Patience, not Harry's house), more secrets are floating around in Patience than most booming metropolises.

It's also surprising how self-involved everyone tends to be. Fear of rejection is a biggy for Patience residents, as well as keeping secrets to keep more secrets.

The party was a perfect setup to get some of those little mysteries out in the open, and it didn't disappoint, even resulting in a cliffhanger that may reveal another biggie or induce even bigger lies for another level of coverup.

Now that it's born, the hybrid alien baby has no human characteristics of note and is cute as a button. If humans are his tasty treat, we can probably find some that could use a sendoff. The general and the shooters come to mind.

Is anyone even remotely interested in the general's story? Even if her minions are being picked off one by one, it doesn't seem we need to witness it.

And was the guy who picked off her last minion the same one who later wound up dead? I don't think so, but the first scene was too quick.

While truth bombs were dropping all over the cabin, most guests had no idea the genuine threat to their well-being came in alien form or from a trigger-happy dude holding the key to Sam's death.

Kate was immediately on edge from the smells emanating from Harry's basement.

Kate: Are they going to do anything about that sulfur smell? I'm gonna barf.
Ben: I don't smell anything. [chuckles] Hey, remember when you were pregnant and you had that sense of smell like a superhero? [chuckles] Hope you're not pregnant! Could you imagine?

During Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 7, Kate was confident that Ben would be ecstatic if she revealed that she was pregnant. She was blindsided by hearing him express something so surprising, which just made taking the test more difficult.

That whole scenario is even more convoluted since something is going on between D'Arcy (who wasn't invited but just hungry) and Ben, whatever that pans out to be.

It was just weird the lengths D'Arcy went to find out if Kate was really preggers. Either she really enjoys Kate's company and friendship, or she wanted to know if Ben would be tied to Kate for eternity.

Honestly, I don't know what's going through her mind. While talking with Asta, she expressed genuine interest in Elliott. So maybe Kate's accusation that it's easier for D'Arcy to get involved with a married man than forge her own happiness is the only thing that's simmering between D'Arcy and Ben.

That doesn't mean that Kate and Ben have a pathway to happiness.

It gave me whiplash when Kate admitted how much hiding what they feel is driving their relationship, and she doesn't want to cover it up with sex to actually covering up that potentially profound moment with a quickie in the bathroom!

They are not a good match at the moment, and they never will be if they can't communicate. If Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 6 revealed how unhappy Ben is in his marriage, "Alien Dinner Party" shined a light on Kate.

He's a small-town guy, and she craves the big city. Their only tether is sex, and it's unfortunate they've given up everything they desire for, well, desire.

Many people like D'Arcy fancy unavailable men, so rejection is a given. There are no surprises when you are with a married man. In the back of your mind, you know that rejection was already on the table, and it's not because of you that he's leaving.

Putting yourself out there for someone uninvolved and getting subsequently rejected means it's you. That's a pain many seek to avoid.

But D'Arcy sure deserves better than someone's sloppy seconds. She always seems a little out there, but she seemed far more normal than you'd otherwise expect when chatting with Kate.

Kate: Really sorry about that.
D'Arcy: Oh, don't worry. I've been peed on before.
Kate: I have, too. I kinda like it.
D'Arcy: I was talking about a frog I picked up when I was a kid.
Kate: Yeah, frogs. Me, too.

Her friendship with Asta grounds her, and Asta leans on her, too. It's been difficult since Asta has been harboring a mega-secret from her bestie, but she has the chance to set things straight now that D'Arcy saw more than anyone expected.

Of course, Harry could just replace her memories, which would keep D'Arcy in the dark. That's the most likely scenario since everyone thinks D'Arcy has a big mouth.

It's not like Harry is all that good at keeping a secret. He outed himself in Manhattan by doing acid, and he generally speaks anything on his mind, which often draws undo attention.

It's the attention I crave because it leads to some of the funniest moments on the show, but it is also amusing how he fails to see his faults.

Asta finally got a line on her daughter, so I hope nothing jeopardizes her general state of mind.

She's got a lot to look forward to, which keeps her steady as she helps Harry as he juggles what the human Harry left behind and what he's got in front of him with the end of the world, the alien baby, and so much more looming before his eyes.

What an excellent twist that the alien baby connected Harry and Goliath. As is usually the case, just before the critical part of the message was revealed, the baby skedaddled, but he's still alive, which means another good clasp of Harry's head could disclose more.

Was the first shooter one of the aliens who already have a handle on earth with the intent to overtake it?

Maybe the general will wind up helping Harry find a way to stave off the other alien race's world domination. Who knows?

Liv's stinky deviled eggs were the perfect excuse for the cabin's sulfur smell, but they were the hit of the night, too.

Liv's slowly recalling more from her close encounter, which revealed she was face to face with an alien.

It looked a lot like one of Harry's people, but it would be the perfect time to learn that it was one of the species that has already made themselves at home here.

She and John giggled about how above the fray they are relationship-wise, which makes me wonder if he's not as unassuming as she's been led to believe. He does support her investigation, though, so probably not.

Probably the sweetest moment of the party came from Mike, as he has finally allowed himself to honor his lost friend in conversation. He's not keeping the memories to himself, and that brings the joy his friend gave to him to others.

"Alien Dinner Party" was another tremendously entertaining hour of Resident Alien. It's not skipped a beat this season, and there's no way Syfy won't renew it for a third season.

Unfortunately, first, we've got to wait for the rest of Resident Alien Season 2, which will premiere at an unknown date later in the year. Can we say bummer, dude?

So, let's get the most out of this episode. Please share your thoughts below. There's a lot to discuss and many theories to analyze!


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