Friday, 11 March 2022

The wait was long and tedious, but damn, Dynasty Season 5 Episode 3 was one of the best episodes of the entire series.

We got Dex's long-awaited arrival, Beto's revenge plan in motion, Fallon and Liam goodness, Alexis sashaying out of prison, and some evil twin drama.

Admittedly, there was far too much going on throughout "How Did The Board Meeting Go?" but it was a fast-paced hour that set the wheels in motion for the season ahead.

My concern after The CW aired the two-part premiere almost three months ago was that the spring premiere would play out like a middle-of-the-road installment, but it was a lot of fun.

Fallon's troubles with the board highlighted her desire to return to work and restore some semblance of normalcy in her life.

When you consider what she's been through, it makes sense that she would want to dive back into her career instead of recuperating.

If you watch Dynasty online, you know Fallon isn't the type of person to sit at home and watch TV.

She's always been about advancing her power and influence, but at least this storyline showcased that she and Liam were working on their relationship.

That being said, I laughed out loud when she fell through the roof of Fallon Unlimited as she fed Liam lines about what to say at the board meetings.

My hope for Dynasty Season 5 is that Fallon and Liam continue on this path because let's face it, the show works better when they're together and thriving.

The Eva stuff on Dynasty Season 4 was yet another big test, but a sign of good writing will be in if the show can deliver compelling storylines for the couple without the needless drama.

Fallon offering Jeff her position at the company was something I never thought would happen. They've been through it all, fighting on opposite sides and such, but it was an excellent way for Fallon to do something to help Jeff.

Jeff has been in a funk for so long, and it's been clear the writers have no idea what to do with him. Having him working at the company might be the best way to evolve his character and give him a renewed sense of purpose.

Hopefully, he doesn't bite the hand that feeds him, but with his mother scheming in his ear, it wouldn't be all that surprising if they teamed up to usurp Fallon's power for good.

Amanda's digging to get the full video of the shocking murder on her mother's balcony yielded a lot more positives than negatives.

It successfully brought her closer to her mother and increased the division between Alexis and Adam, so it was a win-win in my book.

Adam has spent so long acting out and facing zero consequences that his arc has become tedious. Now that Alexis has successfully gotten out of jail and taken over his patent company, the feud between them will gather steam.

But maybe Adam will look to get rid of Amanda first. Since the get-go, there's been a rivalry between them because they both want to be the most important long-lost child in Atlanta.

Amanda is newer on the scene, so we don't fully know the extent of her manipulation skills. Yes, manipulation is practically engraved in the DNA of the Carringtons, but there could also be a much darker side to come to the surface.

Adam is a nightmare because he's like a kid throwing his toys out of the pram when he doesn't get his way. His desire for attention is tiring, so I wouldn't mind him getting an epic downfall and written out of the series.

Hey, maybe Steven could awaken from his slumber and expose the truth about Adam. Perhaps that would be enough for the Carringtons to turn their back on him.

Then again, Adam would probably find a way to declare Steven deranged and make everyone forget about Steven, much like the writers have.

Pej Vahdat makes for a good Dex, and it's clear the show is going to double down on the character in the near future.

He was a prominent character in the original series, and his presence was felt here after just a few scenes. That's a good sign for the future.

Beto kidnapping Cristal and bringing faux Cristal out to play was the soapy goodness the show has been missing for a while.

Who doesn't love some evil twin drama? The lookalike blindsided Cristal, and this new but familiar face will not rest until Beto gets what he wants.

Beto is desperate to get back at Cristal, and while his plan is wicked, he should get the result he needs to enact his revenge mission.

The storyline might also spell a definite end for Blake and Cristal because, let's face it, she won't be impressed that Blake didn't recognize that someone was posing as her.

That's got to sting, but hey, this makes for good TV!

"How Did The Board Meeting Go?" brought Dynasty back to the air in winning fashion, so hopefully, the rest of the season can keep up the pace.

What did you think of Dex's debut?

Did you chuckle at the Parent Trap mention from Alexis?

What do you think Beto will do next?

Hit the comments below.

Dynasty continues Fridays at 9 p.m. on The CW.


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