Monday, 14 March 2022

Becoming adults proved to be a difficult transition.

Many characters struggled with change on All American Season 4 Episode 11.

Since he's the titular character, an excellent place to start is always Spencer.

For a smart guy, Spencer had a tough time not being the star player anymore.

Billy explained his situation to him on All American Season 4 Episode 10. Most players on a college team were the stars on their high school team, which means squat now.

Billy encouraged Spencer to work even harder. What he should have told him was to work smarter. What worked for him in high school wasn't working for him now.

Spencer received a couple of hard shots in the face. First, he discovered he was behind walk-on Isaiah on the wide-receiver depth chart.

Then, when he shot off his mouth to his position coach, the head coach dressed him down, explaining that that coach had arranged for him to receive the scholarship that had been earmarked for Isaiah.

Amid this existential crisis, Spencer got a call from Olivia, who was having a problem of her own, with her sponsee Jen failing to appear for the first day of class. Spencer, forgetting how lucky he was, blew her off.

To repeat, for an intelligent guy, Spencer does some dumb things at times.

Fortunately for Olivia, her twin Jordan is a football walk-on from whom little is expected. So he had the time to help Liv track down Jen.

The Jen crisis was soon solved with the help of a Baker Family sundae. A sober Jen feared running into her stoner friends, which allowed Jordan to shoot a knowing glance Olivia's way.

So Spencer found himself in the doghouse, especially after he blasted Olivia for not understanding the depth of his crisis, which was continuing long after hers was over.

Spencer's saviors were, of all people, Asher and J.J.

Asher, who was having a bad day himself, reinforced to Spencer that he needed to find a different approach.

J.J., who has decided that he's going to be a health influencer now, provided that approach, meditation, encouraging Spencer to go with the flow and be nimble. A wide receiver who can go with the flow and be nimble would be a good thing, right?

Spencer got good-guy Jordan to trick Olivia into coming to the beach house so they could talk and make up.

Whatever message Spencer took away from guru JJ seemed to do the trick as he was much mellower on campus the next day, ready to tackle his football problem in a new way.

J.J. also did a solid for Asher, introducing him unannounced to Coach Mr. Montes (J.J. seemed to have a problem differentiating his current coach and his past coach, both with the same name.)

Montes gave Asher a challenge dissecting a game film, having a particular answer in mind. Asher came up with many reasonable solutions, none of which was the one Montes sought.

In the end, what Asher missed was the same thing that a young Coach Montes failed to see: an injury hidden by the quarterback.

Of course, that close to the season, Montes didn't have an opening for a student coach. But he did offer Asher an entry-level spot which allowed him to learn from Montes.

Layla also took advantage of an unexpected opportunity when singer Sabine, who had offhandedly suggested working with Layla, unexpectedly showed up at Layla's studio, ready to record with her.

It took Sabine most of the day to get Layla out of her shell, to get the producer to stop doing what was safe and to flourish.

Then she got Layla to admit that she was taking the path she was on so that no one would compare her to J.P. instead of taking her talents into the big time.

Billy also was growing into his new position as interim principal. He showed good instincts by considering ex-con Preach as a tutor for the football team.

Preach smartly compared Shakesperean verses to hip-hop lyrics to reach the players. He also quickly broke up a fight, hauling those players into his classroom as well.

There were those at school, Grace included, who disparaged using Preach in such a role. Grace also derided Billy's ambition to take over the position permanently, saying there was a better in-house candidate. Of course, she tricked Billy once before, so who knows if that's true?

Laura surprisingly encouraged Billy to chase his dream, even offering to move into G.W.'s house in Crenshaw. It's hard to say how much of that idea comes from the hopes of reclaiming her own bathroom from all their temporary houseguests.

Laura may soon have her hands full as the attorney to Coop and Patience as new evidence has come to light in Mo's murder.

Fortunately, Laura was home when that detective attempted to interrogate Patience since Coop was out of town.

Laura's follow-up calls to old colleagues in the D.A.'s office revealed that there might be cause for alarm.

Just think, Coop's most recent concern had been boredom from a lack of direction.

To follow Spencer's difficult transition, watch All American online.

Can Spencer and Olivia navigate the changes in their lives?

Does Billy have a chance at the permanent job?

How much trouble is Coop in?

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