Serenity isn't a serene place to live.
Almost every main character had their lives shaken up in Sweet Magnolias Season 2 Episode 3 and Sweet Magnolias Season 2 Episode 4.
Helen suffered the most, losing the baby she's wanted since Season 1.
Miscarriage is a topic that touches so many women, and Heather Headley(Helen) played this arc beautifully. She is such an incredible emotional actress.
Helen's miscarriage crushed her since she was getting older. One minute she was fine, and the next, she was hemorrhaging.
She was so scared, but for once, she didn't want her friends right away.
Only Erik saw her in her darkest moment, and then he called Dana Sue and Maddie. He knew when Helen fell apart, and she would need her best friends.
Being a lawyer, Helen usually took care of everyone else. She wasn't used to falling apart and leaning on others to take care of her.
Helen: I can not imagine going through this without having this.
Maddie: You never have to go through anything big or small on your own.
It's so inconceivable and heartbreaking that miscarriages happen for no reason. Howie told Helen there was nothing she could've done to prevent it.
That's so crushing while simultaneously being a relief. Helen still wanted a baby, though it was more challenging since she wasn't dating anyone and getting older.
Trying to have a baby alone meant letting go of her past with Ryan and starting over.
Some of the best couples begin by comforting the other through a crisis. We saw some sparks with Helen and Erik in the Season 1 finale when he settled her after her break-up with Ryan.
These two have a thing with food since Erik is an excellent chef and baker. Last time he brought over brownies and cinnamon ice cream.
This time, they fed each other strawberry pancakes with whip cream. It was just the distraction Helen needed.
Helen and Erik insisted they were just friends, but the writing is on the wall for these two. They are angsty, flirty, and fun, and hopefully, they'll become a full-fledged couple soon.
Helen: right now, all I can express is gratitude.
Erik: I'm not even asking for that.
The entire town of Serenity blamed Coach Cal when the Serenity Bulldogs lost the state championships, even if it was the first time the team made it that far in 10 years.
With Ty injured, the team lacked its best pitcher, but the majority of the parents felt Cal played favorites. If he had allowed the other boys to practice more, they would have won.
Mary Vaughn and her husband led the charge at the school board meeting to get Cal fired. Surprisingly, the votes were tied, and Mary Vaughn was the deciding vote.
She kept Cal, but she taunted him that she controlled him now. Obviously, she wanted him to use her son Jackson more on the team, but it seemed like she had dirt on Cal.
Mary Vaughn and her husband Trent portray the perfect TV villains. She is the ideal mayor's wife, ensuring that Serenity always looked good, even at someone else's expense.
Mary Vaughn had a long-time rivalry with Maddie, so it's no surprise that Mary Vaughn and the mayor were behind the parking restrictions.
Putting an hour time limit on certain stores and the Corner Spa only angered the owners.
Maddie was determined to take control back by learning who owned the parking lot behind the spa.
Poor Maddie had so much on her plate between two brooding teenage sons, a depressed boyfriend, and her business.
Since Ty lost the baseball game, he finally unleashed his anger and resentment on Kyle, saying if Kyle had only talked to someone before, the accident would never have had happened.
Kyle: Nice, just because I wasn’t feeling bad enough, you’re going blame you guys losing State on me too?
Ty: We wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t lost your mind!
Kyle: Great so now I’m crazy? When are we going to talk about your huge ego, Ty? You’re the one who had to go after Jackson both times?
Ty: I was protecting you!
Like most siblings, Ty and Kyle will protect each other from other bullies, but they are brutally honest with each other.
It crushed Maddie that Kyle had so much pain inside, and he wouldn't talk to anyone.
Trotter: You look a bit buried, boss. Excuse me for saying, but it’s not your best look.
Maddie: I thought the stress would bring out the color of my cheeks.
The only person Kyle would talk to was Noreen, to make matters worse. Part of Maddie was glad Kyle finally opened up, but it was awkward seeing Noreen show up uninvited.
How far does a mother's love go? Maddie wanted her son to heal, but she wasn't sure she was ready to invite her husband's mistress back into their lives.
Maddie and Norrrn share an awkward relationship since they both care about the kids, but Bill screwed both of them over so badly.
It may be hard to move past that moving forward.
Dana Sue has the best problem of all -- deciding between handsome men. Jeremy flirted with her and thought she was beautiful, while Ronnie returned to Serenity to try their marriage.
Even Jeremy quickly saw it might be a losing battle with how Ronnie starred at Dana Sue. While baggage is hard to forget, so is nostalgia and history.
The Sullivans appeared like a happy family at the Serenity market, reminding them of old times. It worked so well that Dana Sue, and Ronnie kissed on the porch that night.
Dana never ends things the easy way, though. Before she ended things with Jeremy, Annie caught Dana Sue, and Jeremy making out in the kitchen.
Annie has always been loyal to her dad, which gave her another reason to be angry at her mom.
Like many teenagers, Annie wanted her parents back together.
It was finally within reach, and her mom was waffling.
Can they be a happy family again?
Are you enjoying the development of Helen and Erik and Dana Sue and Ronnie's relationships? What clue do you think Helen and Issac found out about his birth mom?
What does Mary Vaughn have on Cal? Chime in below in the comments.
Sweet Magnolias Season 2 is streaming now on Netflix.
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