Wednesday, 23 February 2022

One thing that's become apparent with Superman & Lois is its ability to make us believe we know who the villains are, only to pull the rug from under us to switch things up.

Superman & Lois Season 2 Episode 5 was another decent hour that played with expectations, leaving us with the sense that we know who the villain is.

If you watch Superman & Lois online, you know Ally has been pegged as this manipulative cult leader, and now that we know the true extent of her power, well, it's hard to imagine where the show will go next.

Surely Lucy will play a big part in Ally's takedown. Still, considering how busy Jenna Dewan is on another bunch of shows, I figure this storyline will span the entirety of Superman & Lois Season 2.

Introducing a Bizarro iteration of Superman was fun, but if this pendant-toting cult leader can bring other iterations of the other characters to the forefront, it will make for some interesting dynamics.

Will all of these people resemble the Bizarro Superman, or will they look like their Earth counterparts?

There's a lot we don't know about this, but at least Chrissy now fully understands why Lois told her things on a need-to-know basis.

A part of Lois didn't want her friend put in harm's way, and quite frankly, she didn't owe anything to Chrissy. Keeping her in the dark was the best foot forward.

Sarah: Dad, loosen up. You're dancing like a tin man.
Kyle: Yeah, well, that's how you're supposed to dance. Spaghetti arms are bad. See, I learned that from Patrick Swayze.
Sarah: Who?

Ally drugging Chrissy and showing her this other world was extraordinary because it could have put her even further against Lois.

Do we really know that Ally hasn't done something else to Chrissy that allows her to see her conversations and whatnot?

Ally's history is deeply rooted in this pendant, and if she's been scheming since 1979, there's no telling what her abilities truly are.

There's an element of surprise with a character like Ally, but maybe Clark and Lois should have left Bizarro to kill her.

Then again, how do we know that this iteration of Ally is tethered to the Ally ruling Bizarro Superman's Earth?

Like I said, so many questions.

The fight scenes between Bizarro and Superman were well-choreographed, which is the norm with this show.

The two men joining forces may well be the best way to save everyone, but there has to be much more to this Bizarro storyline than we're being led to believe.

Ally Allston will destroy everything. Your friends, your family, you’ll lose it all… unless you kill her first.


We're still very early into Superman & Lois Season 2, so there's a lot to unpack still.

The rivalry between Jonathan and Jordan was frustrating more than anything.

Jonathan understandably feels inadequate because he can't match up to his brother's abilities and feels like he is being overlooked as a result.

I can get on board with that part, but using the drugs that he doesn't fully understand will come back to bite him sooner rather than later.

Samuel led the DOD for years, so it's a bitter pill to swallow that he didn't pick up on what was truly happening before his eyes.

Maybe he didn't want to poke the bear in case Jonathan told Clark and Lois about the training, but it felt off to me because Samuel has been such a great judge of character.

He's analytical and can tell when he's being tricked, so it was hard to watch.

The Cushing family drama didn't belong in this episode. It was such a juxtaposition to the rest of the events that it would have been better in an episode where it got more prominence.

Lois: So, uh, any updates on John Henry?
Clark: Yeah, I talked to the doctors this morning. He's out of the ICU, but he does have a tough recovery ahead.

Sarah's been struggling for a while now, and it broke her heart seeing that her father cheated on her mother.

It was supposed to be one of the most memorable days of her life, and now it will be the most memorable for all the wrong reasons.

Lana understood that this could tarnish her daughter's memory of the day, and taking action was what any great parent would do.

She couldn't even think about the betrayal from her husband because she wanted to make sure this was a great day.

Tonya could have picked a better day and place to tell Kyle about the story potentially going public.

But it's clear Kyle strung her along, telling her that he would leave Lana for her.

Kyle was in a dark place at the beginning of Superman & Lois Season 1, and I suspect he'll travel down that same dark path again as the season progresses.

He was an unhappy man, clearly using alcohol to self-medicate, and maybe we'll get to the core of why he was unsatisfied with his life enough to remain faithful to his wife.

"Girl...You'll Be A Woman, Soon" suffered from a lack of consistent pacing, but at least some of the plots moved along to give us a taste of what's on tap for the rest of the season.

I'm intrigued to see if John Henry meets Ally's planet's version of Lois. That will change everything, especially for Natalie.

What are your thoughts on the revelations about Ally?

Do you think Sarah's quinceanera should have been a more pivotal plot?

How will Lana deal with Kyle in the aftermath of that reveal?

Superman & Lois continues Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.


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