Owen Hunt lives!
As we expected, our favorite firefighters were the ones to get the call about Owen on Station 19 Season 5 Episode 9. The hour served as a bit of continuation from that gripping cliffhanger on Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 8.
If that wasn't exciting enough, we got our introduction to Chief Ross, and she's pretty damn awesome. Oh, yeah, and Vic is pregnant!
It was a passive hour for Station 19's big return for the most part. It mostly felt like we were biding time until they saved Owen, which was surprisingly anti-climactic. And then they surprised us with that ending.
But the majority of the hour flew by, and it didn't seem as if very much happened.
Ben is almost always on a 10, but he took it to a new extreme when the crew got that call, and he found out Owen was the person who went over that cliff.
And is it just me, or did he have you wracking your mind trying to remember when he and Owen became so close? It's not to say that they don't all consider each other family in some capacity or another, but Ben was so wound up that it was bordering on irrational.
He couldn't put aside these strong emotions; one would have guessed that he had to focus on the task at hand and follow the proper procedures out in the field.
Perhaps the ongoing stress of everything contributed to that, and it was kicking in that he could lose another friend when he just lost Dean, and he's fighting for Prue. Andy hinted at that a bit when she told him that even though he's their resident Dad friend, it's okay if he can't carry everything all the time.
We all lost people, lieutenant. Nobody benched us.
But it was typical of Ben to do the absolute most. We've seen this from Ben time and again. As much as you sympathize with how he's feeling, it has gotten beyond old. He causes more damage in the long run when he chooses to go rogue.
It also came across as if he didn't trust his team to do their jobs and rescue what is essentially one of their own. On top of that, he knew Chief Ross was on the scene and observing them all. He didn't even consider how she would react to his insubordination and risk more of his friends because he couldn't keep his emotions in check.
The station has gone through enough as it is, and they just got the okay on their new program. Ben going rogue again felt like his annoying period when he was a doctor and did the same, not once considering the ramifications of his actions on his wife/boss.
Ben should go to counseling. He has a lot on his mind right now, and we all know grief isn't linear and crops up in all sorts of ways. He's overwhelmed, and he needs to get benched and therapy.
Andy and Beckett were correct in their assessment of him.
Owen turned out to be in better shape than one would've anticipated for someone who went over a cliff. And while Ben was a handful and a half, Sullivan stepped up in the field and managed to keep Owen alert and had a grasp of the situation.
The two seemed to bond a bit over their military experience, and it's an interesting dynamic one never would've considered before.
Sullivan has come a long way in trying to redeem himself, and Ross swooping in to give him the promotion he's been desperate for is surprising. It seems they served together, but she doesn't want others to know about their connection. And she claims that she would've given Sullivan that promotion anyway.
I need people I can trust to lead and keep their team safe. I know firsthand that you are both trustworthy and can keep your people safe.
Their connection to each other will come out, though, and she already made some waves with her response to Maya. Ross is an intriguing character and somewhat refreshing, but she also appears to have some ulterior motives.
At the very least, she's considering things with her self-interest in mind. But she seems to be at the top of her game, and I wonder how things will be with her around moving forward. Plus, it's great to have Greenleaf's Merle Dandridge in the mix.
Carina and Vic are a fun duo, and it was refreshing to see them spend some quality time together. The storyline with the menstruating young girl coming to the fire station was lowkey.
It felt like the entire purpose was to build up to Vic finding out she's pregnant.
Jack's fumbling through how to explain menstruation to Aaron while bypassing the sex talk and him also settling on women as superhumans were adorable, though. He's a natural with kids.
It's another odd thing about this pregnancy scenario. They didn't play it the Shondaland way by having Vic and Jack sleep together. We don't have to question who this child's father is; we know it's Theo.
Instead, we must wonder where things stand between Theo and Vic and how she'll handle this revelation moving forward. Theo told Andy that they're in this impasse, and he doesn't know what to make of that right now.
And Vic isn't in the best place to grapple with something like this, so it feels like we have another dark storyline on the horizon for her. I don't know how to feel about that at all. How about you?
Carina: Vic, um, did you know you're pregnant?
Vic: No, no, that's not possible, I'm on the pill.
Carina: OK? When was your last period?
Vic: Um, I don't remember. Sorry, after Miller the days just kind of blurred together. Are you sure?
Over to you, Station 19 Fanatics.
What did you think of the big return? How do you feel about Ross? What are your thoughts on this pregnancy? Sound off below.
You can watch Station 19 online here via TV Fanatic.
source https://www.tvfanatic.com/2022/02/station-19-season-5-episode-9-review-started-from-the-bottom/
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