Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Will Stevie ever get off her high horse?

She takes it personally anytime a doctor doesn't tell her everything they're doing regarding a case, only to turn around and judge their "lack of ethics" when they don't do things her way.

And on Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 13, she didn't care that Marcel had Archer's backing for his plan. She still insisted it was wrong. Can she please start that new job her ex is recommending her for and leave everyone alone?

I'm not usually an Archer fan, but Stevie has topped him in the insufferability department lately. Plus, even if she was right, Archer's the head of the department. If he doesn't want to punish Marcel for his actions, that's the end of it.

Marcel's decision to tell a patient he was giving him a seizure medication rather than a placebo ranks near the bottom of unethical things doctors have done at Med, too.

It's something done all the time in clinical trials, though usually, the participants are aware there's an equal chance they're getting a placebo. And it got the man a diagnosis without having to take a week off work when he couldn't afford to do so.

What exactly was the problem here, other than Stevie wasn't told about it in advance and disapproved?

It's bad enough that Stevie criticizes every one of Will's decisions. Now she's branching out and bringing the same judgmentalism to Marcel's choices. Ugh.

I'm not sure what Will sees in her. If she wants to try again with her husband and possibly take a job closer to him, that's her problem. Will should just let her and not give her a second thought.

Fortunately, there wasn't much time spent on Will and Stevie's relationship. Will's medical case was far more compelling than their banter.

From the beginning, something seemed off about Lorraine's daughter or step-daughter or whatever she was supposed to be. She showed up out of nowhere with a not-terribly-credible explanation for why Lorraine's records said she had no children.

I wasn't sure that anything she said was true. I spent most of the hour wondering if she was even a nurse at all.

Charles: I put in a call to Dr Caleb Hunter, the doctor who diagnosed her.
Will: Good thinking? What did he say?
Charles: Not a whole lot, seeing as he died five years ago.

And once Charles found out that the doctor that supposedly diagnosed Lorraine had died years before the onset of her disease, it confirmed that there was something fishy going on.

The arrest scene was confusing, though, because the audience hadn't been let in on the secret yet.

Lorraine's step-daughter didn't want Charles digging into the truth about Lorraine's diagnosis. Then the cops showed up out of nowhere and arrested the woman for fraud and related felonies... WHAT?

We were left waiting for Charles to explain it to Will afterward. It all made sense once he did, but until then, the confusion over what had just happened was distracting. It would have been better for the audience to learn the truth along with Charles so that the arrest didn't seem random.

And then the whole point seemed to be for Will to realize that the same gaslighting Lorraine had suffered could be going on between Stevie and her ex. Ugh.

There seemed to be a lot of those parallel cases going around. Scott's pregnant patient also served as a mirror, making him think about when he cheated on Carmen all those years ago.

After Torres tried to explain to Scott how guilty he felt about cheating on Emily, Scott's strong words were about himself, not the man he was talking to. However, Torres seemed to take it to heart and left the hospital hopeful that he could someday make amends to his wife and newborn child.

Still, Scott was far from objective, and his own issues might have clouded his judgment.

If one thing wasn't on my Chicago Med wishlist, it was a rivalry between Archer and Marcel for Blake's heart.

Blake is not a likable character. She's usually butting heads with Marcel because she cares more about adding another transplant to her resume than the patient's well-being, she's a workaholic, and she's rather cold most of the time.

What is so attractive about her that these two guys have to fight for her affection?

Still, though, that's better than the monkey wrench Avery threw into Blake and Marcel's first kiss.

Maybe I remember wrong, but I don't think there ever was a "thing" between Avery and Marcel. She's asked him out several times, and he's turned her down. That's... not a relationship.

Avery seemed more like a troublemaking teenager than an adult who successfully sues hospitals for malpractice. Her freakout when she walked in reminded me of Days of Our Lives when Sami caught John and Marlena on the conference room table in the early 1990s!

In any case, I could do without this type of drama. If we're going to have relationship troubles, is it too much to ask that the characters involved be mature about it?

We also got glimpses of stories to come now that Charles' former therapist has confessed to feelings for him, and Maggie's supposed pregnancy appears to be some kind of tumor.

Hopefully, Maggie's cancer isn't back. It would suck if her good news turned overnight to this heartbreaking type of news.

Either way, I hope that Ben pops in to support her soon. As much as I love Vanessa and Maggie's relationship, Maggie's husband should be a big part of this moving forward.

As for Charles, this didn't pack the punch it would have if we'd met Lonnie before this incident. Nevertheless, I'm curious how he's going to navigate this revelation.

Your turn, Chicago Med fanatics! Hit that big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know your thoughts.

If you missed the episode, don't panic. You can watch Chicago Med online right here on TV Fanatic.

Chicago Med airs on NBC on Wednesdays at 8 PM EST/PST.


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