Wednesday, 23 February 2022

We can never underestimate this group's capacity to love.

They're always there for one another in such beautiful ways when it counts most or striving to explore new things about themselves.

For a return, A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 9 was quiet and understated, and it didn't exactly drastically shift things, but something is endearing about that.

With some one-on-one time, Eddie and Rome are something one didn't realize they needed. Obviously, the guys are close, but you get the trio together all at once or Eddie and Gary more often than not.

Rarely do you get Eddie and Rome coming together and spending some quality time together, and the method by which this came to be was as heartwarming as it gets.

Eddie's had such a fascinating trajectory on this series, good, bad, and ugly, but he's probably in the best place he's ever been. These days he's in a position where he's the one who can uplift and be a service to those around him rather than requiring them.

He didn't seem like the first choice for Gina to call to get Rome out of the dumps and make sure that he was okay in her absence, but he was perfect.

One of the cutest and funniest scenes ever was Eddie getting into the Howard bed and spooning Rome. He was willing to do whatever it took to put a smile on his friend's face and get him out of that apartment.

But Eddie's little moments of humor and distraction weren't all for naught. His larger plan of taking Rome to the indoor pool and giving him the Maui oasis that Rome's therapist taught him to envision was thoughtful and wonderful.

Rome: I'm not getting out of this bed.
Eddie: Fine, if you're not getting out, I'm getting in. You want to be big spoon or little spoon?

They got to have a deeper discussion about what Rome is battling this time. I was proud of Rome for his ability to articulate the difference between the depression he's experiencing now versus how things were when he wanted to take his life.

As said, battling depression is a marathon, not a sprint. And it's not something that will disappear. Rome will have these dark periods where things will trigger him, and he'll be in the dumps.

But it's his ability to communicate that is most important. His loved ones shouldn't have to be in fear every time he's sad that it immediately means he's suicidal, and Rome should have the space to be openly unhappy without feeling compelled to hide things for the benefit of his loved ones.

Eddie wasn't subtle when he let Rome know how much he needed him alive and in his life. It was natural for him to feel as if he was extending a reason for his friend to keep going.

But fortunately, Rome knows how to manage his depression much better than he did before. He could explain the difference to Eddie, reassuring him that he wasn't in a suicidal place.

He also could pinpoint where things triggered him. He's proud of his documentary, but the extensive work and exposure to the effects of racism were draining for him -- his experiences with it probably didn't help matters either, and the process it took to get his documentary out there was a whole ordeal.

On top of that, Tyrell left to be with his mother, and Gina was gone for months. All of that combined put him in a dark place again, and he could express that to Eddie even if he didn't want to burden Gina with his feelings.

Eddie gave him competent advice, reminding him that he needed to discuss things with Gina, too. And Rome also didn't hesitate to reach out to his therapist and set up an appointment.

It's such a positive depiction of how best to navigate depression. Rome relied on the tools he learned in therapy, confided in his loved ones, and reached out to his therapist.

And for Eddie's side of things, he got some liberating moments out of it too, when he got into the pool for the first time since his accident.

You could tell he found his time in the water liberating. It gave him a rush of empowerment that highlighted how much better things are for him now that he's comfortable in his new body and isn't so bitter and angry about his paralysis.

It doesn't seem like we've seen Eddie this happy and settled in some time. And you know what? Good for him.

Katherine is also in a better place than she's been in some time. The hour delved deeper into her feelings about her former best friend from high school.

After those feeling for Shanice blossomed, it prompted Katherine to reflect on her past, and the pull she had to get into contact with Greta and make amends was a strong one.

Carter is such a fun character. He would be someone who'd come up with a code name for the operation to find Greta, and he's over the moon that he gets to help Katherine with her romance and sex life. The fact that she's accepting her sexuality as a queer woman is only a bonus for him.

Katherine Saville is an awkward mess. For her to be a lawyer, she's terrible at lying, and her earliest moments at Greta's tattoo shop were embarrassing.

Greta: I get a lot of recently divorced women in here making impulsive decisions. That stencil will last a week. You... owe it to yourself to see if this whole thing is just a phase.
Katherine: Well too bad for them, but this is not just a phase. I want it, now.

Initially, it seemed as though she would only use the tattoo as a ruse to see and apologize to Greta, but by the end of the hour, it seems she may get a real one. It's something that's so unlike Katherine, but it's the type of liberating act she deserves.

Of course, her hot sex with Greta was liberating enough. The series could've taken the expected route and had Katherine going back and forth with this revelation about herself and sexuality.

They could've played the typical arc by having her apologize to Greta and then promptly use her as some form of experimentation. However, it was refreshing to see Katherine take charge with Greta regarding their sexual encounter.

Katerine was confident and assured that this wasn't a phase for her after her divorce, and I loved her putting that notion to bed as quickly as Greta brought it up.

I also appreciated that Katherine wasn't gun-shy or awkward about the sexual encounter. She took charge, asserting herself sexually despite her limited experience and this new foray for her.

Katherine could let go in ways she needed in her scenes with Greta, but she was also allowed to take charge and control in ways that she typically doesn't.

It's a new side of Katherine and something she's overdue for, and the tattoo of the wave and Greta's reasoning for giving it to her suited Katherine well.

She hasn't shared her feelings about women with anyone else, nor has she broken that news to Theo. However, Theo will probably handle that well since he's adjusted to the idea of his parents dating other people now.

It'll be more interesting to witness the rest of the friends and Eddie when they learn the news. It remains an arc that has Katerine a bit separated from others.

But this hour had that overall feel with characters in two-person groups doing their thing.

Gina spent most of the installment tracking down Val and making amends. We got some background on Val and saw her daughter.

I'm happy the two women made amends, and Val forgave Gina. They're better as friends, and I'd love to see the two of them continue to work with each other.

Gina and Val had some soul-baring discussion as Val discussed her past daughter and opened up about her shortcomings and fears.

It had nothing on Maggie and Gary getting to Mrs. Baxter's home and Maggie choosing not to go in. In a sense, it was a relief that she didn't make a stupid decision like that.

Most of us were roasting Maggie, the professional therapist, for traveling miles to confront the woman stalking and harassing her over the death of a patient.

Instead, the plot proved to bring Maggie and Gary closer than they were before, which speaks volumes given their past.

Cam: I love you.
Maggie: I love you, too.
Cam: I meant that for Gary.
Gary: I love you more, man.

It continues to speak volumes that despite Maggie's new relationship with Cam, it's Gary who remains her "person." Cam didn't audibly make it known that it bothered him that Gary was there for Maggie on that road trip and not him, but the fact that he faked an injury during his game to see Maggie speaks volumes.

It's Gary whom Maggie confided in about what happened with her patient and where things got dicey. He kissed her during her vulnerable moment after finding out about her diagnosis.

It's a boundary that never should've gotten crossed between a therapist and a patient. But Maggie needed to know that his death wasn't her fault.

Gary has had such remarkable growth since seeking help, and the only real downside to it is that we didn't get to witness that journey ourselves. We got a time jump and his therapy happening offscreen.

Maggie, I should've gone to Albany with you. I want that to be my job now.


It set him up nicely to serve as Maggie's confidant and give her sound advice that she could comprehend as a therapist. His words were effective, notably when he recited the exact sage words that she gave him.

Gary unlocked another intimate part of Maggie's past that no one else does, and he got her to reconsider her choices and return to Boston without confronting Mrs. Baxter.

It was merit in knowing that the woman probably blamed herself for her son's death and projecting that on Maggie was the only way she felt sane.

Maggie's words to her on the radio must've resonated with the woman, and I suppose that's the end of the Maggie stalker storyline.

But it isn't the end to whatever is happening with Maggie, Cam, and Gary. The gratitude and love she expressed over the radio was for Gary, yes?

Cam assumed Maggie was shouting him out, and Gary felt the same. Only one of them is correct, and my money is on Gary.

At some point, Cam will get in his feelings about not measuring up to Gary, and it'll come between him and Maggie.

How are you feeling about Maggie and Gary finding their way back to each other?

Over to you, AMLT Fanatics. What are your thoughts on Katherine's love life, Maggie/Gary/Cam, and Eddie helping Rome? Sound off below.

You can watch A Million Little Things online here via TV Fanatic.


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