It was another dismal day for the pioneers on 1883 Season 1 Episode 7.
Just when they begin to get their footing again, they're greeted by more of earth's and humanity's hellfire.
Yet, the adventure continues for our heroine, as fearlessness now drives Elsa.
We see tornados on the news all the time. Many of us run to our basements to flee the inclement weather, and others lose everything from their homes to the ones they love to the powerful weather.
Despite everything we know about them, it's hard to imagine the terror of seeing a ferocious tornado bearing down on you without anything rooted to the ground for safety.
Cook had just gotten started, his hilarious antics rendering many speechless when they could, in fact, understand what he said. Others were left to pry the meaning of his strange words out of his hands, which didn't go too well at all.
Josef: What is this fuck?
Cook: What did you just call me?
Josef: What is this fuck?
Shea: He don't know what that word means. Neither does he [pointing at John]. And he's about to ask her, then Lord help ya. So maybe don't use it, huh?
Cook: It's a hard one to shake, Shea.
Shea: Well, start shakin'.
He's a naughty bugger, but his heart is in the right place. It's a job, and he wants everyone to get their meals quickly, efficiently, and fairly.
But when you're dealing with a group of people who don't know the language, let alone the ins and outs of the chuckwagon, there was bound to be some misunderstandings.
Cook's addition to the festivities brings some much-needed levity to the audience. We've watched the pioneers suffer so much that it's sometimes unbearable. Thankfully, the latest additions to the cast (Colton, too) are shining light that was once Elsa's sole responsibility.
Cook: Half a steak for him? [Margaret slaps him] OK, whole steak.
Margaret: Use that word in front of my son again, I'm gonna stab you with this fuckin' fork.
All of those interactions were delightful and a certain distraction for what was to come. At the time, it was the Commanche's collecting tax that had people on edge.
Elsa: Commanches can charge a tax?
Colton: It's their land, they can do whatever they want.
Wade: Only people that think this is America still live in Washington.
Their presence was used to remind viewers that there were others here before us, of course, but also that they were welcoming and willing to work with pioneers when the need arose.
Had Ennis still been alive, things might have turned out much differently. You could tell immediately that someone had their eye on Elsa. Even Wade and Colton spotted it.
Colton: This has been a fun first week.
Wade: This deal ain't dull.
Colton: Got chased by a tornado and lost a girl to an injun at the same time.
Wade: Ya gotta have it to lose it, partner.
Colton: I admit, I might have overestimated my appeal. [they laugh]
Elsa is a rarity to the Commanche. Her flaxen hair and bold attitude are intriguing, and her willingness to trust them allows for new relationships to develop.
Even the name of Elsa's horse was intriguing to Sam (whose name had a tragic if triumphant backstory), and he essentially dared her to put up or shut up about Lightning's speed. Earlier, Colton and Wade had commented on that very thing, reminding each other never to teach her to rope lest they lose their jobs entirely.
Elsa's fearlessness and her equine companion weren't a match for anyone else on the prairie, which was helpful more than once during the hour.
She's still stinging from Ennis's loss, and she's throwing herself into situations she wouldn't have just months ago. While Margaret worries about her daughter's choices, James can't deny his girl the happiness he sees on her face when she throws caution to the wind.
The friendship that quickly developed between Elsa and Sam set some tongues wagging, but their quick connection ultimately worked to everyone's benefit.
They'd already moved on, knowing the storm was coming. Hell, Cook skedaddled, too. When you see dark heavy clouds on the prairie, getting away as fast as you can is the best plan there is.
But you can't move a wagon train of ill-equipped pioneers fast enough to outrun that kind of weather. You can free your horses and lay flat on your stomachs, hoping that the tornado doesn't reach down and pluck you off the ground.
Those who were able to ride did so, including Elsa, Wade, and Colton. They rode as fast as possible with Sam's help in a direction out of the storm's path. But it still wasn't enough.
While the winds were ravaging the wagons and breaking and scattering what was left of their possessions, Elsa screamed for her life in Sam's arms before sitting astride him to kiss him until it blew over.
Sure, we saw that coming a mile away, but it didn't make it any less exciting. James and Margaret often say, "oh, to be 18 again," but Elsa isn't an average 18-year-old in those or any circumstances. She's a product of everything she's experienced, at once both numb and exhilarated.
Elsa has an ideal spirit for conquering the west. She's brave and compassionate, and open to every new experience that comes her way. Since her recent changes have come by way of loss, you wonder if that's not the same fighting spirit all pioneers will possess by the time they finish their travels.
As they continue their journey after every setback, will they become more determined, or will they want to cut and run?
Sam doesn't see them making the journey far past Colorado. His suggestion was for Colorado to be the end of the road for them. It's nice there. It will be best for the pioneers.
That advice came before the tornado and thirteen bandits, trying to abscond with their cattle. Losing their cattle would be devastation they couldn't overcome.
Shea: Cattle thieves gathered the herd.
James: Where?
Shea: Couple miles north.
James: How many?
Shea: Six.
Wade: Well, let's go get 'em.
Thomas: They could hold the cattle up. Double back and go after the pioneers next.
Colton: Just have 'em circle the wagons.
Shea: We don't have wagons to circle anymore.
It made sense to launch after them when they thought they were up against about six bandits. Taking cattle didn't have to be the end of it; they could have doubled back around and killed the pioneers, who are now a large enough group to be a prize but small enough to fight.
That doesn't sound like a winning combination.
It didn't seem like they would need more than a few men to take down six. James, Shea, and Thomas are more capable than most, and Elsa refused to go back to camp, wanting to be in her father's shadow, the safest place she knows to be.
James: You, me, and Thomas go for the herd. The rest will stay with the wagons.
Elsa: I'm goin' with you.
James: Young lady, you have been in your last gunfight.
Elsa: You just said is as likely they double back as move on. Then the gunfight's back there and you're here. If there's gonna be a gunfight, I wanna be with you.
James: Can I get some help here?
Shea: Sorry to say, it sounds like she's winnin' this argument.
James: When we find 'em, you sit still till we're done with 'em. Understand? [she nods, and James gives her a pistol]
Colton [to Wade]: This is the strangest outfit I've ever worked for.
But there weren't six men, and the thirteen threatened to overpower our gunslingers. All three men were wounded, and Elsa was almost killed. Sam had his eye on her still, saving her from certain debauchery and death.
Ultimately, the cattle were saved, and the tornado didn't take any lives, so pushing on will be more complicated but still doable. They'll need to do things differently, but the more calloused the pioneers become, the easier it will be to continue north.
It will be interesting to see how they move forward. Will they stay the course or consider doubling back? We know the answer is going north, considering where the Duttons make their homestead, but how many will follow?
Colton and Wade are now acting as the Greek chorus. They're privy to the oddities of the group they're a part of and aren't afraid to voice their opinions. As it stands now, their commentary is downright funny.
During 1883 Season 1 Episode 1, we saw a vision of Elsa standing amongst the ruins of a wagon train. We don't know if it's the train she's with or if it's something they come across, and she's merely a witness.
But it's hard not to wonder if Lightning Yellow Hair will let her guard down with other indigenous people after this latest encounter. Surely, she's too keenly aware of people and their differences by now for that to happen.
This was one of my favorite episodes so far, with plenty of action, a touch of romance, a few giggles, and dramatic tension to hold it all together.
I found myself wondering how the special bond the Duttons share amongst themselves carries down the line to the Duttons we know today.
The trust has been broken, and it's hard not to imagine how a stronger Dutton family would fare against the threats they face on Yellowstone.
And I really want to get to know Elsa's family line in the present. Did she ever have kids? Are there cousins who will pop up and get involved with the family on Yellowstone?
And, of course, if you're paying attention, you know that actors are crossing between series.
Martin Sensmeier played Monica's therapist on Yellowstone, and Charlie, another savior during the bandits' skirmish, was played by none other than Taylor Sheridan himself.
Did you catch anyone else doing double duty?
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