Sunday 16 January 2022

Bravo Team can accomplish anything.

SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 13 found Jason opening up about his memory loss, the team communicating to pull off their biggest mission to date, and a killer cliffhanger that threatens to change everything on the season finale.

The series has zeroed in on the conflict between the team on SEAL Team Season 5, and while it has made for some intense storylines, it was great to see the team coming together following Jason's admission.

I figured there would be fallout with Davis, Brock, and Sonny being unimpressed with Clay and Ray for not telling them sooner. At the end of the day, all of these lives are on the line.

Clay sacrificing vital time with his son was enough to show that his motives for keeping it on the down-low were not nefarious. You know you've done something right when someone as whiney as Sonny tells you it's a brave move.

Clay and Sonny will probably not be friends any time soon, and it's not surprising. They're like oil and water. They don't mix, and I don't see that changing shortly.

Sonny was visibly shocked that Clay didn't rat him out for what got up to on SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 12. Clay might not approach situations well, but he has a lot of integrity.

It's hard not to ponder the future of the Bravo Team, assuming they all survive the season finale. Jason's days on the field are numbered.

Jason: You really didn't do all that research on that TBI treatment for me, did you? Or was that all just a bunch of bullshit?
Clay: It's all real.

The mission in Venezuela feels like the last hurrah for the team in its current form, and with the show about to enter its sixth season, there have to be some changes at the wheel to keep things fresh.

Jason understanding Clay was only trying to help was satisfying. Turning on Jason was eating away at Clay because of how much of a bond they've formed over the years.

Clay would struggle not to have Jason in his life because Jason has helped him through some of the toughest situations of his life. Despite the flaws in their relationship, it was nice to see that they could put all of that aside.

Jason will likely be on an apology tour with the likes of Mandy and his daughter if he touches back down on U.S. soil.

Mandy and Jason have a connection that burns bright, and it would be a shame to see it fizzle out. Mandy was upset at Jason earlier on SEAL Team Season 5, but he was trying to come to terms with the changes in his life.

He was at his breaking point, and he pushed the people that love him the most away. My hope is that Jason will live to apologize, but with one episode this season remaining, it's hard not to worry about his future.

The series clearly wants to tell an accurate portrayal of Breacher's Syndrome, so don't expect a last-minute reveal that Jason is suffering from something that can quickly be remedied.

If SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 12 taught us anything, it's that Jason needs to confront the past to be able to secure a future for himself.

Jason: I'm grateful, though, that you read up on all of that stuff for me, though.
Clay: Well, if it keeps you operating any longer, then we're all grateful. You know I wasn't trying to push you out, right?
Jason: Yeah, sorry I called you arrogant.
Clay: You call me arrogant for a lot of things.
Jason: That's 'cause you are arrogant, man.

Having eight charges for nine pillars was a frustrating development. It felt thrown in to amp up the tension, and it felt forced.

The only good thing about it was that the team had Sonny on hand to reveal the eight charges wouldn't decimate the nine pillars.

Could you imagine if he wasn't along for the ride? The whole mission would be rendered a bust and exposed the fact that U.S. SEALs were in Venezuela.

It was a surprise everyone made it out of the building alive. If someone died, at least they were going out in a blaze of glory.

Did anyone else expect something to happen to Davis? There were so many moments it seemed like she was going to get hurt of kidnapped.

Pulling the fortified door off the building with the truck was expected. Either that or I expected her to back the van into one of the walls.

There had to be a big cliffhanger to really drive home the fact that we're at the end of the season, and the police arriving as they made their great escape was a shocker.

The purpose of the mission was for the U.S. to remain undetected as they disarmed the Venezuelan nuclear reactors.

Jason: Making hard choices like you did, that's, uh... that's some team leader stuff there.
Clay: You think so?
Jason: Too bad you lost your, uh... your shot at getting my spot now, though. Since you put me back on the path of healing my brain, I'll be operating Bravo for the next 20 years.

My best guess is that one member of the team will make let themselves get caught in the name of saving everyone else.

Who that may be, I don't know, but one thing's for sure:

SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 14 will be one for the books, propelling the story forward and getting the wheels in motion for a very different Season 6.

"Short Fuse" was a decent installment, but I expected more as the penultimate episode of the season.

Sonny: Well, Clay and Jace are BFFs again, which means that Blondedict Arnold probably went and blabbed to Mom and Dad.
Ray: Blabbed about what? He hasn't said a word about anything, so, I mean, is there something I should know about?
Sonny: Nah. Nah, just team guy bullshit.
Ray: Well, the fact that you're not ripping Clay a new one tells me that you're at fault. So, what is it, brother? wWat happened?
Sonny: Sonny Quinn happened.

What did you think of the team getting caught?

Were you surprised by the reaction to Jason's predicament?

Do you think everyone will survive the finale?

Hit the comments.

Remember you can watch SEAL Team online right here via TV Fanatic.

SEAL Team continues Sundays on Paramount+



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