Sunday 16 January 2022

Everyone is LYING, your honor.

It's just lies, lies, and more lies coming out of everyone's mouths left and right. From Monet to Mecca, to Cane, and Tariq, every single person is lying in some way to protect themselves. But at some point, the lies catch up to you.

They haven't caught up to anyone quite yet, but Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 Episode 7 pushes the narrative toward a series of inevitable showdowns between associates, strangers, and family members. And I say, let the carnage begin.

The most compelling story continues to be everything involving the Tejada family, who are coming apart at the seams. Monet is pushing Diana so far away that she's willing and ready to blow her spot up if the opportunity presents itself.

And then there's Cane, who's floundering as he sees his place in the family becoming more and more precarious by the minute. He started the season on the outskirts, Monet banishing him from more than just Sunday dinners.

But now he and Monet are back in cahoots, and he's desperate for Lorenzo's attention and jealous of Dru for getting it instead.

Lorenzo is placing a lot of trust in Dru, and while it's undeniable that it's hard to say no to Lorenzo, it's surprising just how quickly he's integrated himself as Lorenzo's righthand man. He doesn't hesitate to shoot Kino, but his shock at the random girl being collateral damage shows that he's in over his head.

Rule number one; no loose ends.

Lorenzo [to Dru]

It would be one thing if they had come in there with their faces covered or something, but how did Dru think just warning the girl was going to be enough to appease Lorenzo?

In this world, there's no such thing as leaving a loose end behind. You just can't afford to offer that kind of blind loyalty to anyone because when the time comes for that person to save themselves or protect you, they will always choose themselves.

That's why now Dru finds himself in this position where he must get rid of Everett because his boyfriend has already proven that he can't be entirely trusted. And it's not like you can blame him for talking to the cops before, but that one decision is never going to go away, unfortunately.

Everett is nice enough, but he has no business dating someone like Dru. He's so clearly out of his element, and it could get him killed. But he's also seen enough at this point to know that being a part of Dru's life could be dangerous.

So, what happens next is on him.

Cane does things for his family at his core, but he's also a selfish individual. He would much rather be at Lorenzo's side over Dru, and he had no issues throwing Everett under the bus to his father.

Cane is kind of lost right now, and he has very little control of anything. But so much of the issues he finds himself in are due to his actions.

Many things could have been avoided if he hadn't tried to frame Tariq, which he did out of anger more than anything else—and deciding to threaten Davis randomly? What was the point of that?

Cane is such an infuriating character at times because it feels like he's right on the cusp of being a super compelling antagonist, but they don't make him competent enough for it to ever really stick.

Think about Kanan in the original series. It was so easy to hate him and root for his downfall because they made him a layered and intelligent villain. He was a formidable opponent for Ghost and Tommy because he was strong and able to outthink them.

Kanan was one of the best big bads of the entire series, with his only downfall really being that he started to overstay his welcome toward the end.

But with Cane, he just doesn't seem like someone who can outsmart anyone by himself. Like, does anyone think he could take down Tariq?

Sure, he got Tariq arrested, and in theory, Tariq could end up going away for double murder, but it's far from a slamdunk.

What was Cane threatening Davis meant to accomplish? For starters, it was so obvious it was him. And secondly, what good is another body going to do for anyone?

Saxe: For the first time, I think that kid may actually be innocent of something, and he won't help us prove that he's being framed.
Davis: You don't understand the streets, Saxe. Maybe he won't say shit, because he can't say shit.

Tariq isn't a snitch, and Cane should know that by now. But that doesn't mean he's going to roll over and die either. He will fight for his freedom, but not at the expense of his family.

Tariq is a lot of things, and most of them aren't good, but he loves Yas, and he doesn't want her to get caught up in his mistakes. Snitching puts her in a terrible position, as would putting her on the stand to try and provide an alibi for him.

Going to trial is a considerable risk, but if there's someone you want in your corner, it's Davis. He's unethical and devious, and he's willing to do anything to get the win. He did it with Tasha, and he seems ever more determined to do it here with Tariq.

Bringing Tameika back was a nice reminder of her long history with all things St. Patrick, and she speaks to the side of Tariq that is often forgotten. He wasn't always a dangerous kid, but a misguided one who decided to take a path that's now put him exactly where his father always warned him he would end up.

But this case could be a defining moment for him. Will he end up being like Ghost and shying away from the life (as much as he can) if he's acquitted? Or will he keep doing what he's doing and hoping to stay alive and out of jail?

Only time will tell, but you have to be thinking the latter right now.

Speaking of Tariq, what in the whole entire world is up with him and his romantic life? I fully thought that confiding in Effie during Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 Episode 6 was his way of "choosing" someone who understood him and allowed him to be himself.

It wasn't as if I thought that one encounter meant they were in a committed relationship, but falling into bed with Diana after the two have not been anywhere near that wavelength all season felt odd and out of place.

When Effie and Diana had that moment when they were shopping, it felt like they both were in a place where they weren't going to let a man, particularly Tariq, get the best of them.

But alas, here we are.

I'd be remiss not to mention things with Mecca and Monet, which are not going great.

It would be easy to feel bad for Mecca if he wasn't a lying sociopath. Monet keeps Zeke away from him to protect her life. And that's without even knowing that he's been lying to her since he got back into town.

He talks a big game, and you want to feel sorry for him because he does seem to want to know Zeke, but there's just something not right there. And we've just about reached the point of the season where we should be figuring out what it is he's really after.

Giving all his product over to Lorenzo feels calculated. Like maybe his goal is to somehow get Lorenzo back into trouble again and out of his way so he can get Monet back.

Or perhaps it's even more significant than that.

Either way, Zeke will figure things out eventually because now that he's got this idea of his father in his head, there's just no way he's going to forget it. And neither is Mecca.

We are building towards the climax here, and the lies will be exposed. And I say, bring it on.

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • No matter how much Brayden rails against his awful family, they're still his family. And after just making up with Tariq, to hear that he went behind his back with the expose Sweeney thing has to hurt. It should have more significant consequences than just the two not getting along.
  • Carrie could not be more insufferable if she tried. She made her bed, and now that she's forced to lie in it, she doesn't know how to handle it. Tate's speech was cute, but it's going to be hard for Carrie to emerge from the hole she dug for herself.
  • I forget that Mecca's real name is Dante. When a character has more than one identity, I always latch onto the identity we were introduced to first. And we met Mecca long before we met Dante.
  • They haven't been giving us enough of Davis, but when Method Man gets his time, he makes the most of it. He steals so many scenes.
  • I know things move faster in television land, but it feels like Tariq got arrested on a Tuesday, and his trial starts that Friday.

There are only two episodes left before the finale, so that means it's time to start making some predictions!

Where do you see things heading for Monet and her family?

Will Davis be able to free Tariq for good?

Drop a line down below and watch Power Book II: Ghost online right now so you can join the discussion!



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