It seems they're going for a three-part ordeal with this snowstorm, eh?
While 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 2 tried to carry on the momentum of 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 1, it was evident that it was the middle portion of a significant event but that's not to say it wasn't a great hour.
And keeping with the refreshing and long-overdue strive toward balance, they juggled three storylines, and Mateo, Judd, Tommy, Nancy, and T.K. got to shine. But this hour most certainly belonged to our sweet Paul.
When you have such a capable cast, it's a treat to see it in action with everyone at work, and it's also great we can witness the great chemistry that the cast has with each other.
Ironically, the team feels more like a family now that they're all apart than they did when they were together, and those moments are what make this split house storyline work so well. They love each other and long for one another, and everyone around sees and feels that love.
Chief: Alright 129 pack up your crap. Chavez, you got a watch buildup? Your house is on the move.
Mateo: 129 might be my house, but Paul is my family. I have to help rescue him, sir.
When Paul told Lindsay about his crew, the affection and love in his voice were unmistakable. They're his family, and that's just what it is. When he spoke about how much he missed Owen, you felt that. And it made you think of the far too few but significant moments between the two that was impactful.
And Mateo -- and truly from 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 14 to this installment, they've done wonders with this character who often was the weakest, most underused of the bunch-- didn't hesitate to stay behind to help his friends. Yeah, he's at a new house now, but as he said, Paul and the 126 crew -- they are his family.
The confident assertion and the way his voice didn't waver once when he stood firm in that shows us how much he's grown as a character and man. He doesn't second-guess himself. He holds fast, and Julian Works continues to rise to the occasion now that he's given more to work with, and it's terrific.
The season is early yet, but Mateo's glow-up within it is already a standout.
He and Judd's team-up to save Paul and Lindsay was exciting. And Mateo is a smart guy for knowing to put some respect on Grace Ryder's name. Damn right, she's the best at her job and gets results.
Mateo: Your lady's good!
Judd: Why you think I called her?
The boys were willing to risk it all to save their brother, and that's precisely what you'd come to expect from this team and family. Thanks to Grace's guidance, they could pinpoint the area Paul and Lindsay were located at, and with Lindsay's tinkering abilities, Paul could radio them outside.
The guys were relentless in saving Paul and Lindsay despite how dangerous it was for them. But as stated above, Paul owned this hour, and Brian Michael Smith gave a heck of a performance. As a Lone Star fan from the start, it's hard not to get giddy about these beloved characters getting more opportunities to shine.
Paul's scenes with Lindsay were strong and emotional, too. You felt for Lindsay, a teen girl who often felt invisible in all parts of her life. She blamed herself for freezing during a time of action and causing them to get trapped in there.
Lindsay: Paul, why do you love it so much? The 126, come on! Why do you love it?
Paul: The people.
Lindsay: The people. Do the people have names? Paul! Tell me about the people.
Paul: Marjan, she's my ride or die. Judd, Judd, he's a big old redneck. He's all heart. Mateo, he, you know Mateo...
Lindsay: Paul! Paul, who's your captain?
Paul: Captain Strand. He's the reason I came down here. I miss that dude.
She was a badass and a trooper throughout the ordeal, though. She couldn't see how great she was, but Paul did what he could to uplift her anyway. They formed a cool rapport while battling the elements together, and Paul's little Fireball should know she has the heart of a champion.
She put her all into trying to keep him awake, and when he spoke about how upset he was that their squad was fractured, it was the first time we got to hear how much it hurt him. It seemed like Marjan was the only one in her feelings about all of it for a bit.
But Paul misses the family that 126 gave him, and you could sense that it's something he's not accustomed to while working. His apt descriptions of Marjan as his ride or die and best friend, Judd, the most lovable redneck there is, and Mateo made you smile.
Between the love and fondness that everyone shows for one another and how well they all work together, it feels like someone should do something to get them back together.
The other captains comment on how 126 is just a different kind of remarkable, and it's as if everyone knows these people should be working together again as one unit.
Lindsay: What about you?
Paul: I'm from Chicago. We like it frosty.
Although Paul was in peril, there was no doubt that they'd get him and Lindsay out of there. But he still had moments that made you concerned for his well-being. When he gave Lindsay his jacket after getting drenched in water, you knew he expedited his hypothermia and risked dying.
Fortunately, they got to him in time. And hell, he'll probably be at the hospital along with T.K. after this. I wonder if Judd and Mateo will run into Nancy, Tommy, and Carlos while they're there.
Of course, despite Paul's time in that church exposed to the elements, his hypothermia wasn't as severe as T.K., who suffered after his heroic save of Abe left him drenched from falling into the pond. T.K. got innovative with his rescue, using what he could with no other equipment.
I love that the turtle couple was an invaluable resource for T.N.T., from running down where the kid was to providing their van as a makeshift ambulance when the rig slid down, and so forth. They witnessed the whole ordeal.
Things got dicey for Abe after T.K. pulled him out, and when you consider how much time it took for them to rescue him and the bizarre moments where it seemed they wasted time talking too much, Abe could've been a goner.
We love T.K., of course, but my goodness, how many times can they put this kid's life in danger before it becomes too much?
We already had Paul's life in trouble with him stuck in that building with hypothermia, and Marjan (who felt like an afterthought when we didn't even see her until the final ten minutes) crashed and got stuck in her car. We left on a cliffhanger with Owen staring down a gun directed at him by "Amigo," the Coyote.
T.K.'s incident was heavily promoted and all, but goodness, at this rate, T.K.'s life hanging in the balance is just another Monday.
You're not dead until you're warm and dead.
It's no wonder Carlos didn't have a big reaction beyond annoyance at Nancy's Parent Trap effort even when he heard T.K. was in the ICU. It wasn't until Tommy gravely stated that they needed to find Owen that Carlos registered that T.K. being in the ICU was, you know, serious.
It was baffling that no one thought to put T.K. in the ambulance with Abe. Sure, the moments getting Abe's blood and heart pumping again and secretly thanking the high heavens that the private E.M.T. services get the best tech, including ECMO, were intense.
It was easy to get wrapped up in that and want to get him to the hospital. But T.K. took a dive into the pond with the kid and still had soaking wet clothes and was clearly freezing and shivering when he was helping them revive Abe. Isn't it customary that he'd get checked out, too?
His hypothermia setting into dangerous levels, causing his delirium and, worse yet, overheating, was concerning. No one could've anticipated that he'd be wandering around in a middle of a snowstorm naked and mumbling Hebrew.
The intensity of it all for it to remain unresolved into the next installment is the right type of frustrating. As far as we know, Paul and T.K. are in the hospital simultaneously, and some of the others will realize that.
It's puzzling that Marjan veered off the road to avoid hitting the turtle couple's truck, or so it seemed, but she never played into that storyline as you'd expect. She could've been a hell of an asset with them saving the kid.
Instead, she's out there, and no one has heard from her. It's a concern that she'll face issues of her own.
Meanwhile, Owen did a bang-up job of saving "Amigo." But with the final development, it probably won't restore his faith. He already felt like nothing he does matters. Now, he'll blame himself for rescuing the Coyote who is terrorizing a bunch of undocumented individuals.
His rescue kicked butt, and Sadie was a great partner in his endeavors. She seemed impressed that he's a firefighter, and this woman is clearly into him. Who stops by for a hot toddy?
Her ability to speak Spanish came in handy, and her husband's ham radio was a savior. It's something about her that could lead to complications, even if it comes in the form of whoever the heck her ex-husband is. For now, she's cool.
Owen cauterizing Amigo's wounds was brutal, but while his lack of self-preservation can be a headache at times, had he not gone after the man, he wouldn't have found the others.
I don't know how he'll diffuse the situation and save everyone. Perhaps with the severity of the Coyote's injuries, he won't stand a chance against all of those people, and he'll bleed out or something.
We also know that emergency services are supposed to be on the way, and Sadie knows that Owen is out there and will be concerned about him. But you have to love those Strand men with their lives hanging in the balance at the same time, like father, like son.
Carlos: How serious is it, Nancy?
Nancy: Honestly? It's not good. Cap's finding out the latest now. Cap? What did they say?
Tommy: We need to find his father.
Additional Notes:
- I freaking love Paul Strickland with my whole heart. He's pure sunshine.
- Grace does have a Gold Star husband. Of course, Juddy brought Grace her favorite tea and other essentials during the middle of a storm. Anything for his girls.
- No, seriously, where do you find a Judd? Can he bottle up his everything and sell it?
- Didn't the emphasis on Judd wetting the floor make you think Grace's water would break, and she wouldn't realize it at first or something?
- Abe should've stayed in the house! It's so stressful when kids don't listen. Also, why was there no one else around to check on him while his mother was away?
- Do we have any new theories about why Carlos and T.K. broke up? The way Carlos kept asking if T.K. asked for him makes me think T.K. was the one to call things off. We know he used to be a commitmentphobe.
- Nancy is thriving, and I love that for her. She deserves all this screentime.
- How long was Marjan stuck in her car? The timeline is confusing. It's still weird that Owen let her go without more of a fight, and the boys are dismissive of her absence.
- I feel like either the premiere and this episode should've been a two-parter, or this one and the next should've been one. As a standalone, this installment is weaker.
Over to you, Lone Star Fanatics. Are you worried about T.K.? Do you appreciate the balanced approach this season? What will happen to Owen and Marjan? Hit the comments.
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