Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Ubisoft recently launched the Quartz NFT platform as a way to monetize game properties, something that didn't exactly go over well with either customers or employees. Now, it appears that the effort is a financial bust so far, too, as the company reportedly sold just 15 NFTs of a Ghost Recon Breakpoint gun skin as of yesterday, Eurogamer reported. It appears to have sold two more M4A1 tactical weapons and one "Wolf Enhance Pants #76" for a total of 18 as of today. 

Apex Legends senior character artist Liz Edwards tweeted that she looked at the two third-party marketplaces linked to the Quartz sites "and there seems to be... 15 sales in total?" That works out to about $1,755.30 in revenue, as Eurogamer noted. As of today, Ubisoft appears to have minted about somewhere north of 3,000 NFTs.

Ubisoft launched the first three Ghost Recon Breakpoint Editions for free, with the weapon requiring XP Level 4, the helmet greater than 600 hours of play time, and the pants at least 100 hours of play time. Those went pretty quickly and the claim period ended, so the only way to get them now is to pay. 

As some critics have pointed out, Breakpoint doesn't have the most alluring visual aesthetic, so it seems an odd choice to kick off an NFT for visual collectibles. On the other hand, Ubisoft may have been just dipping its toe into the water with one of its less high-profile, though still popular franchises. 

For the minimum money collected so far, however, the effort may have done more harm than good. Ubisoft reportedly alienated its own French trade union, which called NFTs "a useless, costly, ecologically mortifying tech." 

source https://www.engadget.com/ubisoft-nft-quartz-ghost-recon-blockchain-140720063.html?src=rss


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