Sunday, 12 December 2021

One of the Halo series' best-known multiplayer modes is coming to Halo Infinite sooner than you might have expected. As Windows Centralnotes, 343 Industries community lead Brian Jarrard has confirmed a dedicated Slayer playlist is coming as part of an update on December 14th. This will be a "basic" mode rather than the variants 343 wanted to release after the holidays, but the developers planned to "bolster and expand" it in the future.

The Slayer playlist is coming alongside three already-promised options that include Fiesta, FFA and Tactical Slayer (SWAT). The December 14th update will also remove or ease the requirements for existing challenges while adding more to accompany the new playlists. There's a new challenge category based on player score that should better reflect your in-game performance, although it's only billed as an "initial step" toward true performance-based experience points.

This addition won't satisfy fans still waiting for promised features like campaign co-op or Forge, which won't arrive until mid-2022 at the earliest. However, the Slayer playlist release shows that 343 is eager to court those enthusiasts as quickly as it can, even if it means stripping out some extras.



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