Monday, 15 May 2017
May 15, 2017
animal, classic, farm, George, naijapoets analysis, orwell
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Animal Farm by George Orwell:-
The story started and ended in the Manor Farm owned by Mr. Jones, who unforeseen happen made bankrupt with nothing to solace in than alcohol.
The farmer’s inability to properly manage the animals gave rise to the planned rebellion by the animals. At some points in the role of events, there was a conflict of who should be the head of the animals (Snowball or Napoleon). The dictator Napoleon chased Snowball off the Manor Farm then things went from worse to worst for the animals.
How was Snowball chased off the farm?
With bestial dogs, Napoleon chased Snowball off the animal farm as to willfully rule the animals the way that soothe him. “Four legs good, two legs bad” was a repeated motto of Snowball being a rebel to human reign in the farm. Snowball was a die-hard supporter of Old Major’s philosophies; such ideologies didn’t align with those of greedy Napoleon who adopted all the principles of Mr. Jones after the expulsion of Snowball and made the animals suffered beyond imagination.
How did Napoleon manipulate all animals to support his tyranny?
Besides the fact that Napoleon used the trained dogs for his forceful takeover, Squealer was another instrument of his manipulation. A pig with a very sugar-coated mouth, always known as someone manipulating the other animals to favor the wills of Napoleon.
The animals were misinformed, and every negative situation in the farm was attributed to Snowball; alleged of coming in under the cover of darkness and performing all kinds of mischief such as stealing the corn, upsetting the milk-pails and breaks the eggs, among others.
George Orwell’s use of irony in Animal Farm:-
One among the well known characters of a satire is the use of irony, so it’s no surprise that ironies were not found missing in Animal Farm by George Orwell.
The author created ironies out of so many situations such as the case of the animal’s illiteracy. Sick Boxer was taken to the slaughter under the guise of been taken to the hospital even when the imprint message on the van was boldly written “Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler”, Boxer and other animal could not comprehend the message.
“The writer uses irony to laugh at the folly of the animals in their belief that their lives would become better after the overthrow of Jones. The irony is extended in the, wideness of the pigs and the gullibility of the other animals.”
According to Wikipedia article, “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”, and “For legs good, two legs better!” as the pigs become more human. This is an ironic twist to the original purpose of the Seven Commandments, which were supposed to keep order within Animal Farm by uniting the animals together against the humans and preventing animals from following the humans’ evil habits, Orwell demonstrates how simply political dogma can be turned into malleable propaganda.
How pigs aided the message of the author:-
Starting with Old Major, the oldest pig on the farm, highly respected and regarded by the other animals. Old Major suggested the act rebellion against humans. Snowball is a very passionate pig who meant the best for all the animals in the Manor Farm. Snowball was known to be very eloquent and intelligent.
Napoleon, another significant pig in the novel, is considered the greedy dictator who manipulates other animals to have its own way. Napoleon planned how Snowball was forced out of the farm. Squealer is also a pig character in the novel, he was considered Napoleon’s second-in-command. He was Napoleon’s pawn for imposing dictatorship on other animals.
Discuss three vices or weaknesses in human society that Orwell satirizes in Animal Farm (WAEC MAY/JUNE 2000)
Answer according to Johnson Publication goes thus:
“Notable among the vices satirized by Orwell in Animal Farm are selfishness or egocentrism, narcissism or discrimination, despotism or ruthlessness.
(i) Selfishness: This is demonstrated by Napoleon, Squealer and most of the pigs. They ascribed to themselves all the goodies, brunties, largesse and all the choicest foods and drinks in the farm without taking others into consideration. For instance, it is decreed that only the pigs should be allowed to eat apples and drink milk. This type of egocentric attitude is prevalent in human society, and has been infused or integrated into the novel.
(ii) Narcissism or discrimination: This occurs in forms of discrimination between genders, among ethnic groups, nations or even between one race and the other. The pigs demonstrate this narcissist tendency on their part when they claim to be superior to all other animals in the farm.
(iii) Despotism or ruthlessness: This is one of the major vices perpetrated by the rulers and the ruling classes in human society these days. This is demonstrated in the novel by Napoleon and his nine ferocious dogs who constitute themselves as his guards.”
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