Saturday, 20 August 2016

The poem opened with Fletcher calling at the soothsayer or whoever claimed to understand destiny. He first pretended he wanted to peep into his own future as well with instance in line 9-18
"Tell me, by all your art I conjure ye,
Yes, and by truth, what shall become of me
Find out my star, if each one as you say,
Have this peculiar angel, and his way
Observe my fate, next fall into your dreams,
Sweep clean your houses, and new-line your schemes,
Then say your worst! Or have I none at all?
Or is it burnt out lately? Or did fall?
Or am I poor? Not able, no full flame?
My star, like me, unworthy of a name?"
He then exclaimed "You all lie!" to prove that he never believed in their craps. It baffled him that human beings are so short-sighted that he gave little or no thought to God's omnipotence and failed to realize that only in him "all truth" "all influence" and "all fate" reside. John Fletcher was of the believe that no mortal can crack God's work. He believed that God knows the best way to navigate his life and urged the readers to buy his idea because "Man is his own star, and that soul that can/ Be honest, is the only perfect man"
Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)


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