Tuesday, 15 December 2015

When it comes to the analysis of The Proud King by William Morris, naijapoets.com has taken time to examine the poem and compare it with other recommended reading for the final certificate examination (WASSCE/WAEC)

The Proud King by William Morris is a 819-line-long poem about a proud king named Jovinian whose pride led him comparing himself to God. Larger lenght of the poem shows him suffer his pride until he repented and regained his crown, thrown and status.

This poem by William Morris is a narrative poetry, and its language seems elizabethan in nature. The poem in part reckons with God which leads us to the Theme of Divine Punishment in The Proud King by William Morris besides that, there are other themes [Themes Of The Proud King By William Morris
] about The Proud King by William Morris.

How Fictitious Is The Proud King By William Morris

Write On The Epic Elements In The Proud King By William Morris

Discuss Morality In The Proud King By William Morris With References From The Poem

Few of the figures of speech in the poem The Proud King are as follows:-
(1) Allusion: To be precise, the poem has a biblical allusion in lines 299-300 "_Well; _if thou canst, deny me, with such grace/ As by the fire-light Peter swore of old". It alluded to Peter's denial of Jesus Christ in John 18: 25-26.

(2) Enjambment: "And thinking of his life, and fair increase/ Of all his goods, a happy man was he" (lines 248-249) is one among the enjambments in the poem.

(3) Rhetorical Questions: The poem "The Proud King" by William Morris also has so many instances of rhetorical questions and as well known, few of the traits of dramatic monologue are rhetorical questions and direct quotations. In lines 633-636 "And said "Alas! my master and my son/ Is this a dream my wearied eyes behold?..."

(4) Irony:- Precisely the use of dramatic irony in the poem. The concept of the king's identity seems ironic in the sense that only the king and the readers of the poem understood the king's predicament; no one else.

(5) Repetition:- There are many instances of repetition in the poem, most the repetition of words and phrases such as "king" "robe" "God" "forgetting" etc.

(1) Prove That The Proud King by William Morris Is A Narrative Poem

(2) The Theme of Vanity In The Proud King by William Morris

(3) epic elements in proud king

(4) analysis of day by william shakespeare

Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)


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