Saturday, 14 November 2015

Though the poet made use of well crafted repetition and metaphor to create perfect imageries, the evil that confronted the people of the Land was the major enthrallment or preoccupation of the poet.

Firstly, the title of the poem was an insight to the poet's preoccupation. It relates to unhealthy situations or dangerous happenings that would be read in the poem.

Secondly, the poet focused on how the harsh conditions of the people could shown with harsh dysphemistic metaphors: “The land” was repeated many times in the poem while servering as metaphors. Examples are “The land is a giant whale”, “The land is a saber toothed tiger”, “The land is a giant hawk”, etc.

Thirdly, the danger, the deceit, the people's helplessness and h
opelessness were seen in the poem; which fulfilled the poet's intention.

Finally, the post titled: Analysis Of Ambush By Gbemisola Adeoti has full detail about the background of the poet, the style, themes, plot, and possible questions that can be asked

Most Not Miss:-
Analysis of Ambush by Gbemisola Adeoti

Describe Ambush as Metaphor of Societal Evil

Preoccupation of Gbemisola Adeoti in Ambush

What Are The Significances of The Three Animals in the Poem Ambush by Gbemisola Adeoti

What Do You Like About Ambush by Gbemisola Adeoti

Gbemisola Adeoti and Hard Lines


Samuel C. Enunwa aka samueldpoetry
(the Leo with wings flying)


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